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What would be your ideal RPG?


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I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world, both character customization and appearance changes (sort of like the first Fable with muscle, scars, weight and aging). The NPC's would dynamically react to your actions and there would be no dysfunctional conversations which pull you out of the game (Bethesda games have a lot of interaction like that :biggrin:) . To make it more in-depth you would have to draw maps or acquire them through traders or loot and night would actually be dark. You would need to sleep, eat and stay warm if you are in the far north. You could get employed, buy or build property and have pets. It would be a medieval fantasy with gritty and intense combat, but combat could be completely avoidable and there would never be a need to buy a weapon unless you wanted to. A real first person camera would be a must. Helmets would block vision and armor would make swimming much harder. There would be also LAN multiplayer and no quest markers. I could go on for ever about my dream RPG :geek: .


Since it is completely unrealistic by today's standards I do suppose I could settle for the third BG: Dark Alliance. Leave a cliffhanger than have financial problems and close down... curse you black isle and your amazing games! Now I will never know how the series ends :tongue: .

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I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world


Imma stop you right there, is that what you really want?


Basically you're running around aimlessly constantly doing fetching letters and bringing them from one location to another, sometimes killing a few enemies for a quest. It'd just turn into a Hack, Travel & Slash.


You MUST have a good storyline to make a good RPG.

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I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world


Imma stop you right there, is that what you really want?


Basically you're running around aimlessly constantly doing fetching letters and bringing them from one location to another, sometimes killing a few enemies for a quest. It'd just turn into a Hack, Travel & Slash.


You MUST have a good storyline to make a good RPG.


No main story is exactly what I want :biggrin: . When ever I play skyrim I normally leave the main quest line alone (sometimes not even allowing dragons into the game). I would like a massive open world game with quests but I don't like to have character who is a god among men. It would be great if your character was more of a regular citizen doing their own thing in a world that doesn't revolve around them :happy: .

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Probably something like a combination of the lore and storyline of The Witcher, plus big open world like the ones from TES, maybe a lil pinch of Obsidian's writing (they could add some nice quest design), packed with some nice tech, like a lil scaled back CryEngine 3 (some devs already did big open worlds with CE3, MMORPGs, massive cities for demoing, etc), which means, good physics, good lighting, good volumetric effects, etc.

No main story is exactly what I want :biggrin: . When ever I play skyrim I normally leave the main quest line alone (sometimes not even allowing dragons into the game). I would like a massive open world game with quests but I don't like to have character who is a god among men. It would be great if your character was more of a regular citizen doing their own thing in a world that doesn't revolve around them :happy: .

Did you tried Mount and Blade Warband? It isnt a classic RPG per se but it has a big map, no story line, you can be whatever you want (merchant, noble, lone wolf, mercenary, king, etc), pretty nice combat though you dont walk around, the navigation its more like a strategy game, you are a pawn in a big map with cities, villages and other pawns that represent bandits, armies, caravans, etc.
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That actually sounds really good eltucu. So M&B is a free roam non-linear RPG? I had no idea, I just thought it was a kingdom under fire deal (which isn't a bad thing). I may have to get it next steam sale :laugh: .

As i said, it isnt a "RPG" per se, it has lots of RPG elements though. Specially the part of what you choose to play, stats, skills, XP, etc. Combat is very good. It is free roam (the game pretty much trows you in the map and then you go wherever you want to go). While the whole land, kingdoms and characters are made up, they're all based on actual history. Swadians are based off the british, the Vaegirs are based on russians and so on. There are various missions, though they're all sort of randomly generated. Say, go and kill some bandits, escort a caravan, collect taxes from a village then return to the landlord, most of those missions aren the end but the mean of what you want to do.


Say that you want to be a noble of some kingdom. There isnt a mission called "Become a noble" that tells you what you need to do, instead you go and talk to the king, swear your allegiance to him, or maybe you're some noteworthy person, so a king makes you an offer instead. Since after each conquest, the land is assigned to nobles by vote, you may want to befriend the various nobles of your kingdom to get more property, so you go and talk with a noble, ask if they want something done, say, resolve a dispute with other noble, deliver a message, etc, and you gain support from that noble that way.


Well, there are a lot of game mechanics involved and stuff you can do, i just gave a few examples, you could stay away from politics altogether and just battle with bandits, assault caravans, if you have enough troops, you could even besiege a city by yourself, you can wander the world alone or with 300 men, its your call really.


No need to buy it to try it though, you can download the demo from the official site http://www.taleworlds.com/ (it lets you play until you reach level 7 or so) and then make up your mind on whether buy it or not.


Take in account that im talking about Warband, i think that Fire and Sword does have a main quest/story, though i dunno. M&B Warband is a revamped M&B so buying the original M&B is not a good choice, better start with Warband.

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I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world, both character customization and appearance changes (sort of like the first Fable with muscle, scars, weight and aging). The NPC's would dynamically react to your actions and there would be no dysfunctional conversations which pull you out of the game (Bethesda games have a lot of interaction like that :biggrin:) . To make it more in-depth you would have to draw maps or acquire them through traders or loot and night would actually be dark. You would need to sleep, eat and stay warm if you are in the far north. You could get employed, buy or build property and have pets. It would be a medieval fantasy with gritty and intense combat, but combat could be completely avoidable and there would never be a need to buy a weapon unless you wanted to. A real first person camera would be a must. Helmets would block vision and armor would make swimming much harder. There would be also LAN multiplayer and no quest markers.



It would be great if your character was more of a regular citizen doing their own thing in a world that doesn't revolve around them :happy: .


So much this!


Personally, while its true that Mount&Blade goes in that direction more than most other RPG's, to me, it gets really boring pretty quick.

This is mostly because the game pretty much resolves around fighting, even as a merchant (which I really cannot enjoy in this game) you're bound to have a fight against looters/robbers every now and then.

Basically, there's two ways to play the game.

  • Merchant
    You buy stuff for low and sell it for as much as you can, travelling across the land, fighting back criminals and becoming pretty rich.
  • Commander
    You roam around the land, fighting other commanders. Eventually, you'll become a noble which means that you'll fight against better commanders, fight in siege battles and sometimes wait by a village while your troops loot it, leaving you rich. You'll also gain ownership of villages, castles, towns which leaves you with more money and/or more troops.


I don't mean to say I think its a bad game.

I actually think its great as its something completly new and as the videogame industry lacks innovation far too often I find it great if some developers take the risk to do something thats never been done before.

Also, the battles are a lot of fun.


Its just that, to me, it seems like a mix between strategy and rpg with the result that its really neither rpg nor strategygame.

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