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Game crashes (Usual skyrim problems)


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I normally don't ask the forum for help on this because most of the time it's clear on which mod is breaking my game, but I am having a bit of a problem finding out whats wrong this time. I start up the game and it's okay at the launch menu and the main menu, the crash happens shortly after I enter the game(It gives me enough time to move around or run from one end of any room to the other before crashing), on any save and crash even faster on a new game. TES5edit has detected a couple of conflicting mods which I turned off a while ago and unless I'm not reading it carefully then it looks like no errors, but the game still crashes the same way


My Load Order

  1. Skyrim.esm

  2. Update.esm

  3. Dragonborn.esm

  4. HearthFires.esm

  5. Dawngaurd.esm

  6. Unoffical Skyrim Patch.esm

  7. Racecompatibility.esm

  8. ApachiiHairFemales.esm

  9. ApachiiHairMales.esm

  10. UndergroundBathhouse.esm

  11. hdtHighHeel.esm

  12. TurnDownXrace.esm

  13. JackshShop.esm

  14. JackGaPub.esm

  15. Toukiden_Oka.esp

  16. SkyUI.esp

  17. JaxonzRenamer.esp

  18. Skysan_Icicle

  19. Glass Variants.esp

  20. RealisticWaterTwo.esp

  21. Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp

  22. PWwaterfall.esp

  23. SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp

  24. Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

  25. Verdant - A skyrim Grass Plugin.esp

  26. SDO Full - LOD - The Morthal Swamp Light.esp

  27. SDO Full - LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp

  28. SFO - Dragonborn.esp

  29. tpos_ultimate_esm.esp

  30. SoS - The Dungeons.esp

  31. SoS - The Wilds.esp

  32. Unlocked Rces.esp

  33. GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEditon_Vanilla.esp

  34. RaceMenu.esp

  35. RaceMenuPlugin.esp

  36. AMatterOfTime.esp

  37. CherryRace.esp

  38. AV1AlluringEyes.esp

  39. Eyes of Amver.esp

  40. Brows.esp

  41. 83Willows_101BUGS-V4-HighRes.esp

  42. SupremeFog.esp

  43. CinematicFireFX.esp

  44. SC_Hairs.esp

  45. RealisticHumanoidMovementSpeed.esp

  46. SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp

  47. Skyrim HD Tribute - Roads.esp

  48. EnhancedENBNightEye.esp

  49. Crimson Tide - Blood.esp

  50. dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

  51. wildlife_overhaul.esp

  52. WoolyRhino.esp

  53. mhailhordicsentinel.esp

  54. mhailcentaur.esp

  55. mhailharvestereso.esp

  56. mhailvampirebeasts.esp

  57. mhailanddreugh.esp

  58. iHUD.esp

  59. Skyrin Immersive Creatures.esp

  60. Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All in One - Merged.esp

  61. EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

  62. Slaughterfish Dont Attack.esp

  63. CalienteVanillaAmorTweaks.esp

  64. TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

  65. TrueEyes.esp

  66. zzAmomashups.esp

  67. City Trees & Plants.esp

  68. WhiterunInEnhanced.esp

  69. Quicklight.esp

  70. Facelight.esp

  71. Spells Cast Light.esp

  72. CLARALUX.esp

  73. People Have Torches.esp

  74. SMDropLitTorch.esp

  75. SPAO_shield.esp

  76. Tirashan.esp

  77. ub_cell_darkarea.esp

  78. ub_invite_any_npc.esp

  79. ub_tapestry.esp

  80. ELFX - Exteriors.esp

  81. EFLX - DNCL Plugin.esp

âThis is where the game started CTD

  1. DragonTreeTemple.esp

  2. AyliedCitadel.esp

  3. Deithwen.esp

  4. The Asteria - Dwemer Airship

  5. The Oasis.esp

  6. Boars.esp

  7. mihailmmasithis.esp

  8. mihailoldgod.esp

  9. The Dance of Death.esp

  10. TKDodge.esp

  11. FaraamOutfit

  12. CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp

  13. Berserk Mule Armor - Heavery Amor.esp

  14. Spriggan Armor 2.esp

  15. Emfy Vleric Robes.esp

  16. Evil MasterMind. Armor.esp

  17. Helmet Toggle2.02b.esp

  18. Imperial Mage Armor by Natterfome.esp

  19. Imperial Assassin Armor.esp

  20. _Magic.Runes.esp

  21. Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp

  22. RogueSorceressRetextured.esp

  23. Raven Witch Armor.esp

  24. TeraArmors-CBBEbyNausicaa.esp

  25. Dark Triss Armour.esp

  26. HowitzerW2Conv.esp

  27. TW3_femaleArmors_zzjay.esp

  28. Unique Draong Preist Masks.esp

  29. InigoPerkPointGiver.esp

  30. Holds.esp

  31. ViceroyInquistor.esp

  32. StrongerArrows.esp

  33. Tk Recoil.esp

  34. Ninroot.esp

  35. SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp

  36. bm_SimpleAction.esp

  37. LIAT - NPCs.esp

  38. LIAT - Sounds.esp

  39. ShoutCD.esp

  40. BatTravel.esp

  41. DeadlySpellImpacts.esp

  42. Decapitation-spell-and-raise-skull-minions.esp

  43. CircleSword.esp

  44. RapidSlash.esp

  45. FoD-Spell.esp

  46. P1FlyingRing.esp

  47. Mind Possession Spell.esp

  48. RuneShields_m1.esp

  49. orderVSchaos.esp

  50. SkywyzeInfiniteStaffs.esp

  51. Summon Cap.esp

  52. stronger vampiric drain.esp

  53. SunRune.esp

  54. UBWRe.esp

  55. ImprovedBardsGirls.esp

  56. Killable Lootable Children.esp

  57. DudestiaOutfitChanger.esp

  58. TCoW Improvement.esp

  59. SuccubusRace.esp

  60. TemptressVixen.esp

  61. Training - No Limits

  62. Crafting Supply Chest.esp

  63. NilfgaardianMage.esp

  64. Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

  65. TAVEWindhelm.esp

  66. TownsAndCitiesEnhances.esp

  67. TAVESolitude.esp

  68. TAVERiften.esp

  69. gun.esp

  70. PDCrossbow- Feykrosah Nin.esp

  71. ibanstaff.esp

  72. One handed Crossbow.esp

  73. Ancient Tounges GreatSword.esp

  74. NordicSpears.esp

  75. DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp

  76. yurica-musketeer[HDT].esp

  77. Schwertleite Set.esp

  78. ArgentumFulem.esp

  79. RayeksEnd.esp

  80. jutsu.esp

  81. Naruto - Overhaul.esp

  82. 6x staminaregen.esp

  83. Sekirei.esp

  84. EoGeom.esp

I know it's not good to install a huge amount of mods in one go because it makes it harder to find the problem, but these are mods that I have been using for years and the only mods that I have changed since I last played skyrim were the texture mods. I am slowly looking for my own solution but help would be nice too. Thank you everyone who reads this.

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I'm not familiar with a lot of the mods you're using. But looks like you're using both Crimson Tide and Enhanced Blood, which are not compatible. Also, Crimson Tide on its own is considered highly unstable and known to cause issues in your game. I don't know that you can salvage your current save with that mod installed.


Also, you have Claralux and ELFX Exteriors which requires a compatibility patch to use together. Even though the most recent version of Claralux is more stable than originally, personally it caused a lot of glitches in my game. Or maybe you're even using the older version.


Is there a reason you only have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch rather than the Legendary, considering you have all the DLC's? Some of your mods are really old and Skyrim was updated after mod release, so there's the potential for issues there as well. I would run all this through TES5Edit and look for conflicts, along with dirty edits and deleted navmeshes. I'd also go through the old mods and see if there are more updated, safer versions that accomplish the same thing.


You can check this Dangerous Mods List as a reference and also STEP is a great starting point for being sure you have a stable base to mod from.

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I'm not familiar with a lot of the mods you're using. But looks like you're using both Crimson Tide and Enhanced Blood, which are not compatible. Also, Crimson Tide on its own is considered highly unstable and known to cause issues in your game. I don't know that you can salvage your current save with that mod installed.


Also, you have Claralux and ELFX Exteriors which requires a compatibility patch to use together. Even though the most recent version of Claralux is more stable than originally, personally it caused a lot of glitches in my game. Or maybe you're even using the older version.


Is there a reason you only have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch rather than the Legendary, considering you have all the DLC's? Some of your mods are really old and Skyrim was updated after mod release, so there's the potential for issues there as well. I would run all this through TES5Edit and look for conflicts, along with dirty edits and deleted navmeshes. I'd also go through the old mods and see if there are more updated, safer versions that accomplish the same thing.


You can check this Dangerous Mods List as a reference and also STEP is a great starting point for being sure you have a stable base to mod from.

Thank you for your feed back I'll turn some of them off and update them and see what happens. I installed the Unoffical Skyrim Patch way before I got legendary edition (and very few of those mods have been updated since) and I forgot to switch them out.

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