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FNIS not working im help


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FNIS Behavior V6.3 XXL 2017-09-03 1:13:34 AM

Skyrim: - D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Installing FNIS PCEA2

ERROR(5): Access to the path 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\FNIS_PCEA2\8_FeuerTin RAP Movement' is denied.

this is what it says i dont know what to do can anyone help

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Where does this folder "8_FeuerTin RAP Movement" come from? Did you create it? Is it a mod that works as an addon to FNIS PCEA2?


In any case you have installed it independently of PCEA2, and now it has some crooked rights that don't allow FNIS to get access. Note that it is NOT SUFFICIENT to simply run FNIS as administrators if you have messed up the authorization rights of some file or folder that FNIS needs to access to do its work.


Go to "8_FeuerTin RAP Movement" in the Explorer -> Right Mouse Button -> Properties -> Security, and compare the settings with other folders.

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