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FF Mithra/Miqo'te


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I would like to make a request that someone port/create the Mithra, preferably Miqo'te, race from FFXIV. Currently there is a modder who is working the Mithra race from Final Fantasy XI. (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8895) It seems that the past few updates have focused on Viera and Elvaan more so, however.


Someone else mentioned this a while back. - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/519563-bringing-final-fantasy-to-skyrim/ Would love to see some FFXI/XIV races in Skyrim.


Hopefully someone is interested and knows something about mods.

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  • 10 months later...

I Second this request, I'm currently running with the mod referenced in the previous post, but I'm not really happy with the ears/tail, since they are fairly far from what Miqo'te actually have.


The ears of the Miqo'te race is quite special. also, all Miqo'te ears and tail have the same color as the hair, I hope this is doable in Skyrim too.

I would like to contribute to this project but I've yet to succeed with actually exporting any modeldata from XIV to any useful format, my knowledge of 3D/model-formats is quite low.


Some references for actual Miqo'te:



//kind regards.

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