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Resolution of game lowered when starting with SKSE


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I just started attempting to mod skyrim (original edition – NOT Special Edition) and have run into a problem after installing ENB and a preset.


When I get into game, the resolution has changed from my native 2560 x 1440p to something different which makes the game look awful.


I’ve attempted to fix by going into the skyrimprefs.ini and changing the iHeight and iWidth to my resolution but it was already set to that. I use Nexus Mod Manager (I know folks who use Mod organizer have different copies of their skyrimprefs where they need to change them for each profile – but as far as I can tell NMM only has the one default file).


I installed ENB (v 0315) according to Slothability youtube tutorial and installed the “Rudy ENB for Vanilla Skyrim” 3.5 presets


Is there anyway to make the resolution go back to my original 1440p or should I abandon ENB?


Game details:

Steam version of Skyrim with all DLC – Dawnguard, dragonborn, hearthfire


System details:

CPU: FX 6300

Graphics: R9 390 8GB



I've attached my Loot Mod load order

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