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As I was attempting yet again to role play in Skyrim, I was walking very slowly through a forest. It occurred to me that I was terribly bored, despite the fact that I love nature. Of course, walking makes Skyrim seem much bigger and can add to the experience, but it's boring because... why?


In Skyrim, unlike in life, you can run without getting tired, without tripping over a branch, and without missing a lot of natural beauty because one place in Skyrim is very much like another. In addition, you can't feel anything from the game, nor can you smell the game. While I can't do anything about smelling or feeling Skyrim, I can attempt to do other things to make walking more rewarding.


My True Groundcover mod adds a substantial amount to scenery, but more is needed. There must be some way to let the player do something interesting while walking. This is a place to generate ideas for making walking more interesting in Skyrim. If I see something plausible, I'll do it. If other modders see something that they would like, I encourage them to try making it.


My ideas so far:

1. Allow companions to speak as you walk, similar to party banter from Dragon Age. Who knows? Maybe it would even be possible to allow the player to participate. First it would be necessary to actually be able to walk and speak at the same time, so someone could start there.


2. Allow the player to read a book while walking. First I suppose this would require the ability to read in real-time, which is not very plausible. Maybe if there was something like the equippable map, but with text taken from a book instead.


3. Add a lot of small unique things and small scenic areas to vanilla landscapes to reward observant travel. I'm doing a bit of this myself already, actually.

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