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Tip: Accessing non-WotC Assets in WOTC Editor


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It turns out that opting into the 'full_content' beta on Steam for the WOTC SDK solves this problem in a simpler way. Still seems like a waste of space compared to the symlink approach.

Posting this here because this was annoying the hell out of me this weekend.
The steam installation of the WoTC Dev Tools is a little strange for a number of reasons. Firstly, Steam thinks it takes up ~60GB of space but the actual download is only about 1GB of files (new version of ModBuddy, WotC-specific assets and UDK stuff). This would make sense from a perspective of the WotC SDK re-using data from the normal SDK, but it doesn't.
This means when you load the XCOM 2 Editor from the WotC ModBuddy, it only shows you WotC assets in the asset browser. This makes it a pain to modify non-WotC game content or to update mods for WotC that involve modifying vanilla content.
To fix this, you need to copy all data from "XCOM 2 SDK\XcomGame\Content" to "XCOM 2 War of the Chosen SDK\XComGame\Content" (without overwriting) so that the WOTC editor can actually access non-WOTC assets.
Alternatively, instead of copying all that data and wasting space, set up symbolic links to the vanilla assets in the WOTC SDK's XComGame dir instead.
Edited by Kvalyr
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