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Creating new outfits


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Beware, this is a noobisch question:

I can't create new outfits. I want to make a costum outfit with EisenPlatte Armor (from mod) I got the items ready so far, but how do I apply them to an outfit? If I duplicate an existing outfit how the hell do I change the Items in teh Editor ID window from that particular outfit? Creating a new outfit doesn't work for me either, since I can't edit/select anything the window with the Editor IDs. What am i doing wrong?

Edited by xyks
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That is very strange. It works perfectly when I create and edit new outfits.


In the CK I go Object Window > Items > Outfit. I create a new outfit. I double-click it to open its window. I can highlight items and press the delete key to delete them. I can drag and drop items from the object window to the outfit to add new things.


In the actor window, I select the new outfit from the pull-down menu.



Or is this a mod de-isolation issue? You can't use items from one mod in another mod. Not unless you are a knowledgeable modder who has learned this sometimes tricky skill. De-Isolation Tutorial

Edited by David Brasher
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