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Dress a mannequin in the CK


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I'd like to know as well.


Would adding an

event on load



script work, that I could simply add to all the Mannequins I wish to equip, then point each individual mannequin's script properties at the appropriate items?

If someone could post a very simple sample, that would be a huge help. I'm good at editing scripts, but coming up with something new is rough for me.


I suspect duplicating PlayerHouseMannequin and then making a new mannequin actor would work, but I'd need to make a new base mannequin actor for each set of equipment and that would bloat my mod.

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I came across an equipped mannequin in Levelers Tower and it turns out that it's very simple to do.


Place the items you wish to equip on the mannequin in the cell (near the mannequin would work best)

Link the item to the mannequin

Add this script to the item "DefaultAddToLinkonLoadSCRIPT"


Done in 3 easy steps (per piece of equipment of course)


I would assume it's exactly the same process for pre-mounting on display cases and racks.

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My assumption was wrong. For weapon racks:

Place the item

Click on the activator for the rack you want the item on and link to the item from that.

(the white or orange one depending on the rack type)


No need to do anything else.

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