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Newbie: Mods not working in game.


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Hey, Been playing Skyrim SE a long time, now i'm trying to install mods.


I got ModManager saying its working.


I used ModMgr to install "unofficial patch", "unread books glow" and "A quality world map".


I activated them.


I go into game and the map has not changed.


I've tried going into game from mod manager and from my normal desktop Icon.


I have not tried "Launch custom" because it says I dont have a custom script, and I'm hoping I dont need to deal with whatever that is.


I am on a PC.


Its all on the D: drive ("All" means the game, the mods, mod manager)


What is the likely reason my mods seem to have no effect?


Thanks for any help,



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Random, there's one more step to take. After you've installed the mods, go to the Plugins tab and make sure that they're checked so that they're active in the game. Also, reread the description on A Quality World Map and see if there are any .ini edits you need to make. Remember that mods which affect only meshes or textures may not have .esp files, which is what you see in the Plugins tab, so A Quality World Map may not be there. Rest assured that it's still installed. :smile:


Good luck!

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OK I lied. Nexxus Mod Mgr is on C: not on D:. Does it need to be on D:?


And now I can't tell where the mods got installed to...I thought they were in a Mod Mgr subdirectory, but now I don't see them.


The mods are not in Steam/Common/SSE/data.... should they be?


Mod Mgr says they are installed and activated...could it have installed them in the wrong place? (I don't know what the right place is, I would think the program would know that).

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Look on both the Plugins tab and the Mods tab of Nexus Mod Manager. There should be check marks next to each entry.


Another good program to use when running multiple mods is LOOT. LOOT will put your mods in an optimized load order.


I run Skyrim and Fallout 4 on my C drive and the NMM stuff on my D drive. Try adding Levelers Tower and if you see a tall tower right after you exit the Helgen Cave you know it is working. After you spot it, it will make for a great residence in the game.

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