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Trying To Find Guardian Stones In Creation Kits


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Basically, I want to tweak the effects of some of the guardian stones, to make the game more balanced. It is unique, and I don't believe anybody has done what I am attempting.


However, I cannot seem to find the Guardian Stone effects. Can somebody assist me?

Edited by monkeykiller77
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Ah, thanks.


Sorry if it a bit much to ask, but is there any way to change the effects?


Basically, I want to make it so thief's archery skill improves with the thief stone, and mage's get one handed weapons to improve. I am also thinking of expanding on that later, but that is the base.

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Just open "Doomthiefperk" and click into the perk entries at the bottom. 1.20 is the value they use for 20% increase but marksman is already on the thief stone...


To add a new skill to it just right click "new" into the perk owner box, change the condition function to "EPModskillusage_isadvanceskill" to match the ones above and click the box to the right (said Aggression by default for me) to whatever you want to improve. Keep comparison as "==" and value as "1" to match the others, checkmark "OR" box. Tada, done.

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