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Skyrim Crash While Enchanting


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I have Skyrim on Steam and I'm using SKSE. My game is pretty heavily modded and has been for quite some time. I haven't added any new mods in a week or so and this problem just started happening last night.


The game only crashes when I try to enchant items. I can select the item to enchant, the soul gem to use, but as soon as I select the enchantment my game crashes with no error messages. I played the game without trying to enchant, and it didn't crash at all. So, I know the only thing causing the crash is when I'm enchanting and I select an enchantment (any enchantment).


I don't think any mods are causing this problem because a fellow Skyrimer on Yahoo Answers has the same problem, but he has no mods at all. Here is a link to his question:


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  • 1 year later...

Same problem here...

I have some new mods installed.



I found a solution to my problem: One setting in Elys Skyrim Uncapper (which is absolutely awesome! thank you so much for redefining my whole Skyrim experience to pure awesomeness! :D ) caused the problem.




If I set it to "1", which I tried, it crashes my game when I select an enchantment.

With "bUseEnchanterCaps=0" the game is completely stable.


Best regards,


Edited by deathst4r
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Same problem here...


I have some new mods installed.



I found a solution to my problem: One setting in Elys Skyrim Uncapper (which is absolutely awesome! thank you so much for redefining my whole Skyrim experience to pure awesomeness! :biggrin: ) caused the problem.




If I set it to "1", which I tried, it crashes my game when I select an enchantment.

With "bUseEnchanterCaps=0" the game is completely stable.


Best regards,


Thanks a lot deathst4r ! I had the same problem and you solved it. Kudos !

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