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Mouse cursor in menu problem


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So, I've just gotten the Steam complete M&B pack, and when starting to play Warband, the mouse cursor doesn't move on screen. Sometimes the options will become highlighted as if I'm moving the mouse cursor over them but on screen the cursor doesn't move at all.

This is an unmodified Warband set up (just installed it) on Win7.

Anyone ever have this problem? I'm kind of at a loss how to proceed. Is there a known fix or something? Thanks for your time.

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It appears to be a DPI issue

Try to do a few more searches on the official support boards.


Yep, that's totally it. Kind of a hassle to log on/log off to change the dpi just to play but all right. If that's the thing (and it seems to work, so that's the thing all right!).

Thanks, man. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif Takey yer Kyudos.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

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