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Main quest bug?


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Hello all I have a problem with my main quest..

I've added acouple of mods and since then I got the bug.. I don't know which mod can set a bug like that to the start of the game where you kill those 2 imperial/stormclock soldiers at the potion barrel place, and then he doesn't say to me anything to pick, even though I took it he doesn't move or do anything, then at the bleak falls barrow quest to find the dragonstone I have no arrow on where it should be, yes I know it should be on the Draugr but no it's nowhere to be seen, I got no idea what mod could acctauly change the main quest even though I've NEVER added any quest mods or new beginning or what so, only HD, weapons, hair and that, nothing for quests monsters or whatever.. More to that I can't add a picture because NMM is always crashing..

Please help me.

When I could start the NMM and picture it I will do.. But until then help me with the quests..

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That didn't work, both I really don't know what is wrong, like when I'm with Ralof, at the potion I get nothing about the main quest to pick them from the barrel, same from Hadvar.. And at tortourer room ect.. Then after in Bleak falls barrow no Dragonstone again.. Help pls..
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