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A dead body appears wherever I go, crashing my game to desktop


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I have an issue which plagues my saved games. I'm experimenting frequent crashes to desktop, and apparently they're random. However, I've observed that sometimes a dead Brotherhood Paladin spawns on top of me like he was thrown with a catapult, ragdolling and stuff. He always crashes my game. I suppose that he's the main cause of the problem.


I want to know if there's any way of editing my save file so I could remove him (or all corpses, I don't really care) from my game altogether so I could keep playing. This is frustrating, as I can't play for more than two minutes without that f***er messing with the game.


Any help would be much appreciated.


As for the mods I'm using, I'm just using FOSE, Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, its translation to Spanish (I also ran ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated), Fallout Stutter Remover and Vanilla UI Plus. I also have my executable LAA patched and edited my Fallout.ini for multi-core compatibility.


EDIT: I fixed it! I read in Reddit that New Vegas Anti Crash worked in Fallout 3 so I gave it a try. It worked. That damned Paladin stopped appearing. I suggest everybody to give NVAC a try in Fallout 3.

Edited by Ikarugamesh
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