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[mod suggestion] Death of a King - End Of a Dynasty


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Brief Description:


Assassination of a King, protected by an entire army..



Sample Begining:


While travelling, the dragonborn hears rumors about a civilization being eradicated by a ruthless Nord king. As he travels the lands, he discovers the location of the destroyed city, and threw investigation finds evidence that some have survived, and are being tracked by the Nord Kings men.


The dragonborn eventually catches upto the survivors, and the group of Nord Militia. After killing the militia the dragonborn is presented with a plea for help, the survivors ask the dragonborn to kill the Nord King, as he will never stop till all of their kind are eliminated.


The dragonborn then sets off for the castle.. Can either use stealth to infiltrate the castle, or brute force killing everything.. to kill the king..



Be best, if 1 new race is created (the doomed city and the survivors)

new armor/weapons, for the new race

Nord King Militia units

Nord King


can also have a reward, as a new follower, when finishing the quest, of the new race..



can also set relationships with the Nord King, so it has adverse effects on others in the game.. (say nords now hate you, or align the nord king and his men, with other cities, and you become a wanted person in those cities ect..)..


I have plenty of ideas for it, just no time to code it as I work alot..

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