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Acidcrew's Perk Update (V1.7)


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Perk Upgrade.





- General/extra information.

- To be introduced in.

- Perk changes.

- Items.

- Spells.

- Races.

- Last words.



General/extra information:


- Unarmored Perks, See Light Armor perk section!


- Story line added, The Acient Huntress, See section "Items; Books". Follow the directions told in the books to continue the "quest".

- Unarmed attacks with "Fist Coating" now increases your one-handed skill.

- In-game image of "Fist Coating" is the same as an iron dagger.

- "Fist Coating" can be found near the first dead stormcloak when you first enter Helgen Keep. It can also be found at Riverwood, located infront of Alvor's workbench.

- Difficult settings: Novice is 25% thougher. Apprentice 38% thougher. Adept 44% thoughter. Expert and master are 50% thoughter (This is done becuase of the addition of this mod to still make it playable).

- Updated and added a number of loadingscreens.

- Increased the price that merchant will ask for items, decreased the price of items merchants buy from you.

- Bride and persuation is 50% harder to succeed.


Idea's for later versions:

Doable Idea's: (Hmmm mabey i should hire a monkey, i miss a bit of spare time):

- Weapon enhancement.





- Physician skill requirement has been made higher (from skill 20 to skill 25).

- Poisoner skill requirements has been lowered (from skill 30 to skill 25).

- Poisoner perk has been attached to Alchemist (rank 1) (used to be linked to Physician).

- Experimenter and Green thumb have there skill requirements lowered and have been re-linked to Alchemist (Rank 2).

- Green thumb has been upgraded with two additional ranks (granting three and four times the ingredients).

- Concentrated poison no longer applies 2 times the poison hits. It applies now for four times.

- Snakeblood perk is reachable in the "poison tree" and has it resistance reduced to 25% (up from 50%).

- New perk (Rabies) is introduced (at the spot of Snakeblood) that gives 25% disease resistance. This perk is reachable in the "potion tree".

- Purity is no longer reachable by the perk Experimenter. It's reachable by the perks; Snakeblood and "Rabies".



- New perks for "Buff" spells.



- Added a new perk called Shield defence, increasing armor with 10% if player is wearing a shield.



- Destruction Novice, apprentice, adepts, experts and master perks now reduces mana cost by 75% (used to be 50%) but increases the damage by 25%.

- Runemaster perk will make you place runes twice as far away (used to be five times) but increasesthe damage done by runes by 20%.

- Intense flames (in addition to flee) also increases the range of your fire spells.

- Deep freeze (in addition to paralyze) also reduce damage taken.

- Disintegrate (in addition to disintegrate) also reduces the mana cost of shock spells.

- Impact no longer stuns with every cast. Stun chance has been reduced to 35%.

- Added perks; Frostfire, FireShock and FrostShock. (example: Fireshock; firespells have decreased mana cost and deal mana damage. Shock spells have more spell damage and deal damage of time)



- The perk Dark Souls can now be futher improved. Not only can your zombies have more health but they can also have increased mana, stamina and more!



- Perks Fire-, Shock- and frost- enchanter requirements has been changed (All require skill 50 and perk Enchanter rank 3).


Heavy armor:

- Fists of steel has been relocated, the perk is no longer needed for Cushioned.

- Added a new perk on the spot of Fists of steel.

- Modified the perk Cushioned. In addition to half fall damage it also reduces the chance you'll be critical hit.

- Added a perk in follow up of the "Fist of steel" perk.


Light armor:

- Added a similier perk like fists of steel for light armor called Fist of Leather.

- Added a perk in follow up of the "fist of Leather" perk.

- Added a new perk tree inside light armor. Unarmored, works only with cloth armor not while being naked! (Required skill for these perk are a mixture of other skills)



- Relocated Hunters disipline. The perk Powershot is now needed. Tho Hunter disipline isn't neded any longer for other perks.

- New perk introduced on the spot where Hunters disipline used to be.

- Added new perks that will futher improve your eagly eye (sniper mode).

- Increased the stamina drain of eagle eye with 50%.



- Added perks for Daggers.

- Increased the Poison Sting damage (rank 1 + 10%, rank 2 + 20%, rank 3 +40%).\

- Changed savage strike for axes only.

- Changed Critical charge for swords only.

- Added a perk for daggers (skill 50)

- Added a perk for maces (skill 50)

- Re-linked Paralyze strike from the skill 50 perks. (Has been a (buffed) sword only perk in V1.4)

- Unarmed attacks now benefit from Armsmen, Fighting stance, Dualflurry and dualsavagery.

- Added two perks for unarmed combat (skill 30/60/90 and skill 50).

- Added Deffensive perk's for Maces, Axes, Daggers, Swords and unarmed combat.

- Added new skill 100 perks for all type of one handed weapons and unarmed combat.



- Poisoned is a lower skilled ability and it's re-linked to Light fingers.



- Added a new perk that improves wards.

- Increased mana regen from the perk Recovery (from 25% to 35%, from 50% to 70%).



- Added perks for the making of cloth; Tailor.

- Reduced skill needed for Arcane Blacksmith (from 60 to 50 skill).

- Added perks that will make tempering armor and weapons more.



- Unarmed attacks now benefit from Backstab (4 times the damage) and Assassin's blade (8 times the damage).

- Added a perk for sneak attacks with magic attacks (3 ranks).

- Added perks for sneak attacks with fire, frost and shock spells.



- Hagglin effect reduced with 5% every rank.

- Allure effect reduced with 5%.



- Adjusted most perks to a similiar tree as for one-handed (with the exeption of daggers/unarmed and the

defensive perks).

- Lowered the skill required for the perk Sweep.






- Reduced all mana regen enchantments with 50%.

- Cann now make linnen from leather on a tanning rack.



- Added two Alchemy skill books. Books contains a small story and a recipe for a poison.

- Spell tome's for buff spells have been added. Most are buy-able, the best are findable.

- Added a few books with different type of skill increasement. Each book will tell the story of a Hunter and will lead you to great rewards.

The first book is found at Anise's Cabin south of riverwood.



- Added loads of recipe's for smithing (cloth outfits etc.).

- Added Fist Coating.



- Fist Coating. (Fist Coating can now be tempered and enchanted!, Don't cheer to early it will take a special ingrediënt to temper your firsts!)




- Buff spells, these spells will increase stats like resistance, melee damage and much more!




- Added a new race: Ban'Merish (Altmer template). Ban'Merish have increased magicka regen and start with an improved buff spell.

- Reduced health, magicka and stamina regeneration with 20%.

- Changed the Imperial race bonus from enchanting to speech.



Conflicting Mods:

This mod hasn't and will not be tested with other mods. So asume that every

other mod that changes your perks will be in conflict with this one.


Last word:

Feel free to post; Requests, Idea's and most importantly comments (i would like to know if i went a wrong turn!).

Also feel free to rate this mod!



- Acidcrew's Perk Update

- Perk Layout Version Zash

- Perk Layout Version Hecubah

- Always Day!

- Always Night!


Edited by acidcrew
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