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Beautiful People


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So I'm brand new to Oblivion, the last TES game I played was the first one, 15? years ago.


The graphics and game play are awesome. But the faces are so fugly! Definitely more realistic but there's not a single good looking person in the game.


I have the GOTY edition for my PC and installed the Beautiful People mod found here. I was hoping the default races would be modified or something but no such luck. I figured I could at least my own character look better but when I tried starting a new game with one I couldn't get the jail sequence to start. I assume it's because the voice script uses the race names and it doesn't recognize the new race. Is there a way around this? Will this be a recurring problem because it's a custom race?


Or is there another mod that makes the default races more attractive? I only see my own chars face when I open the equipment tab but I have to stare at all the fugly NPC's all the time...

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Seeing a lot of mods for "exnem" but I'm brand new to this mod scene so I don't know what's required to exnem's and start using these mods?


Not looking to change game mechanics or plot at this time, just improve the game visually, especially people.

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Exnem Eyecandy replaces the bodies of the female characters in the game. It makes them a little thicker/bustier/curvier so they no longer look like stick-figures with bad skin. There are 2 basic versions: bra/panties and completely nude. The nude version has several variants for breast size, hight, amount of hair (not on her head), and skin tone.


If you use either, you should search out a mod that will alter the games clothing and armor to fit the new bodies.

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