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Mod Organizer not modding Skyrim


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Hello all,


I'm trying to get Mod Organizer running after using NMM for a while. I followed the STEP instructions for a clean install, removing the game and Documents/My Games/Skyrim directories. I also followed their instructions for cleaning Update, Dawnguard (twice), Hearthfires and Dragonborn. These are the only Steam installed (MO unmanaged) mods. I have set up SKSE following the three part instructions to install the executable in the Skyrim directory, the scripts as a separate mod in MO (SKSE Script files) and to create the SKSE directory and INI file. Also using ENB for basic performance boost (set in accordance with their core recommendations) and BethINI (set to STEP core recs also). Everything is installed in a separate \Games\ dir so UAC should not be an issue.


SKSE seems to run, when I goto the save screen it lists both the Skryim version (1.93.x) and SKSE version. But no MO mods are running.


I created an "SKSE test" profile and stripped down to just a load screen mod (so I can see immediately if anything is loading) and an SKSE required mod, "Perk Point Book". I am running SKSE from MO and I have tried fixes I saw in similar posts, like updating confirming that the FNIS Checker is disabled and setting the Steam AppID for the SKSE executable to 72850, to no avail. It's like the MO virtual environment isn't working at all. I am running on a Windows 10 laptop with the latest drivers for my AMD Radeon Pro card (also using profile configured using STEP Core recs).


I've gone over Gopher's videos and it seems like I have everything set up as recommended. One odd note, I run MO in admin mode because if I don't, I get "C:/Games/Mod Organizer/profiles/SKSE test/modlist.txt" is missing or inaccessible. Following up on this now, it might be an issue with using run as admin. Has anyone seen this before? This account is not admin on the laptop, but I may have installed with admin access as I was having problems getting the Nexus connection to work. My next step will be to uninstall MO and re-install as this user. All other ideas welcome.


SKSE log


SKSE runtime: initialize (version = 1.7.3 09200000 01D326534E5682DA, os = 6.2 (9200))
imagebase = 00400000
runtime root = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\
config path = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
plugin directory = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\
dispatch message (0) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
dispatch message (1) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
init complete
hooked dinput
dispatch message (6) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
dispatch message (8) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
save name is autosave1
full save path: C:\Users\Playtime\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\\autosave1.skse
dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
cleared save path
save name is autosave1
full save path: C:\Users\Playtime\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\\autosave1.skse
dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
loading co-save
Loading mod list:
(0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm
(1 -> 1) Update.esm
(2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm
(3 -> 3) Dragonborn.esm
(4 -> 4) HearthFires.esm
(5 -> 255) HighResTexturePack01.esp
(6 -> 255) HighResTexturePack02.esp
(7 -> 255) HighResTexturePack03.esp
Loading menu open/close event registrations...
Loading key input event registrations...
Loading control input event registrations...
Loading mod callback event registrations...
Loading crosshair ref event registrations...
Loading camera event registrations...
Loading actor action event registrations...
Unhandled chunk type in Core_LoadCallback: 4E494E55 (UNIN)
Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
cleared save path
save name is autosave2
full save path: C:\Users\Playtime\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\\autosave2.skse
dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
creating co-save
Saving mod list:
(0) Skyrim.esm
(1) Update.esm
(2) Dawnguard.esm
(3) Dragonborn.esm
(4) HearthFires.esm
Saving menu open/close event registrations...
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving mod callback event registrations...
Saving crosshair ref event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving actor action event registrations...
Saving NiNode update event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
save name is Save 3 - Tester01 Helgen Keep 00.21.22
full save path: C:\Users\Playtime\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\\Save 3 - Tester01 Helgen Keep 00.21.22.skse
dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
creating co-save
Saving mod list:
(0) Skyrim.esm
(1) Update.esm
(2) Dawnguard.esm
(3) Dragonborn.esm
(4) HearthFires.esm
Saving menu open/close event registrations...
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving mod callback event registrations...
Saving crosshair ref event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving actor action event registrations...
Saving NiNode update event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
dispatch message (5) to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
deleting co-save C:\Users\Playtime\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\\autosave2.skse



SKSE_steam_loader log



skse loader 01070030 (steam) 01D326534E0D8833 6.2 (9200)
base addr = 661C0000
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime IAT = 0106B1D8
original GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = 76905530
patched GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = 661C1870
GetStartupInfoA IAT = 0106B1D0
original GetStartupInfoA = 769428E0
patched GetStartupInfoA = 661C1890
InstallHook: thread = 8556 retaddr = 00F5673E hookSrc = 1
appPath = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010009
dwFileVersionLS = 00200000
dwProductVersionMS = 00010009
dwProductVersionLS = 00200000
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 0001000900200000
product name = TESV: Skyrim
steam exe
dll = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_1_9_32.dll
old winmain = 0069D1D0
runtime root = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\
config path = C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
OnHook: thread = 8556
calling winmain



Mod Organizer log file



INFO (10:28:30.0566): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (10:28:30.0567): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (10:28:30.0567): Code page: 1252
INFO (10:28:30.0567): injecting to C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_loader.exe
INFO (10:28:30.0567): using profile SKSE test
INFO (10:28:30.0568): data path is C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
DEBUG (10:28:30.0569): mods are in "C:\Games\Mod Organizer\mods"
INFO (10:28:30.0569): using mod "SKSE Test Bashed Patch"
INFO (10:28:30.0569): using mod "Perk Point Book - SKSE"
INFO (10:28:30.0569): using mod "SKSE Script files"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "Adult Slideshow in Loadscreens - NSFW"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "Cleaned Dragonborn ESM"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "Cleaned Hearthfires ESM"
INFO (10:28:30.0574): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (10:28:30.0575): using mod "Cleaned Dawnguard ESM"
INFO (10:28:30.0575): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (10:28:30.0575): using mod "Cleaned Update ESM"
DEBUG (10:28:30.0577): indexing Cleaned Update ESM
DEBUG (10:28:30.0578): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:30.0830): indexing Cleaned Dawnguard ESM
DEBUG (10:28:30.0831): reading BSA HearthFires.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:30.0866): indexing Cleaned Hearthfires ESM
DEBUG (10:28:30.0867): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:31.0284): indexing Cleaned Dragonborn ESM
DEBUG (10:28:31.0284): indexing Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
DEBUG (10:28:31.0286): reading BSA Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:31.0375): indexing Adult Slideshow in Loadscreens - NSFW
DEBUG (10:28:31.0375): reading BSA BrajornLoadingNSFW.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:31.0376): indexing SKSE Script files
DEBUG (10:28:31.0378): indexing Perk Point Book - SKSE
DEBUG (10:28:31.0379): reading BSA InigoPerkPointGiver.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:31.0379): indexing SKSE Test Bashed Patch
DEBUG (10:28:31.0380): indexing overwrite
DEBUG (10:28:31.0380): update vfs took 1 seconds
DEBUG (10:28:31.0380): data path: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aaj" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aak" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aal" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aam" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aan" maps to "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aao" maps to "BrajornLoadingNSFW.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): "aap" maps to "InigoPerkPointGiver.bsa"
INFO (10:28:31.0381): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap
INFO (10:28:31.0381): working directory: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim
DEBUG (10:28:31.0385): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 769045B0 (trampoline at 02BC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0389): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 76904610 (trampoline at 02BD0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0393): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 76905AC0 (trampoline at 02BE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0397): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 76905AE0 (trampoline at 02BF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0400): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 76905AA0 (trampoline at 02C00000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0404): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 76905A80 (trampoline at 02C10000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0404): FindFirstFileExW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0408): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 76029290 (trampoline at 02C20000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0408): FindNextFileW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0412): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 76026090 (trampoline at 02C40000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0412): FindClose seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0416): hook for FindClose installed at 7602BEA0 (trampoline at 02C50000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 76025A10 (trampoline at 04E80000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 76039990 (trampoline at 04E90000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 7603D290 (trampoline at 04EA0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for CreateFileW installed at 76027F20 (trampoline at 04EB0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for CreateFileA installed at 7602B320 (trampoline at 04EC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 760258A0 (trampoline at 04ED0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): DeleteFileW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 76025BB0 (trampoline at 04EE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0419): DeleteFileA seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 7603F340 (trampoline at 04EF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for CloseHandle installed at 760286B0 (trampoline at 04F00000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 76013F20 (trampoline at 04F10000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 76015CE0 (trampoline at 04F20000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for MoveFileA installed at 7693E410 (trampoline at 04F30000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): MoveFileExA seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 7693E430 (trampoline at 04F40000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for MoveFileW installed at 7693E500 (trampoline at 04F50000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 76904370 (trampoline at 04F60000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 76938510 (trampoline at 04F70000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 76938850 (trampoline at 04F80000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 76937D90 (trampoline at 04F90000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 76937EF0 (trampoline at 04FA0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 76937D30 (trampoline at 04FB0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 76937D60 (trampoline at 04FC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 769386A0 (trampoline at 04FD0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 769389D0 (trampoline at 04FE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0420): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 76938480 (trampoline at 04FF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 76938780 (trampoline at 05000000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 76938730 (trampoline at 05010000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 76938A70 (trampoline at 05020000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 76938650 (trampoline at 05030000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 76938970 (trampoline at 05040000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 76938070 (trampoline at 05050000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 769381C0 (trampoline at 05060000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for OpenFile installed at 7693D200 (trampoline at 05070000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for CopyFileA installed at 7693CEB0 (trampoline at 05080000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for CopyFileW installed at 7695F3B0 (trampoline at 05090000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 769044D0 (trampoline at 050A0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 769044F0 (trampoline at 050B0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 7695EFA0 (trampoline at 050C0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 76905070 (trampoline at 050D0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 76905090 (trampoline at 050E0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 74900A00 (trampoline at 050F0000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 74900A20 (trampoline at 05100000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0421): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 00D11590 (trampoline at 05110000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0422): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 00D11570 (trampoline at 05120000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0422): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 77362060 (trampoline at 05130000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0422): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 00D11530 (trampoline at 05140000)
DEBUG (10:28:31.0422): all hooks installed
INFO (10:28:31.0422): injection done
DEBUG (10:28:31.0423): first access to SKSE Script files
DEBUG (10:28:31.0424): get file attributes: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini -> C:\Games\Mod Organizer\mods\SKSE Script files\SKSE\skse.ini: 20
DEBUG (10:28:31.0426): create process (a) C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\TESV.exe - null (in null) - hooking
DEBUG (10:28:34.0795): hooks removed
INFO (10:28:34.0805): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (10:28:34.0806): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (10:28:34.0806): Code page: 1252
INFO (10:28:34.0806): injecting to C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
INFO (10:28:34.0806): using profile SKSE test
INFO (10:28:34.0807): data path is C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
DEBUG (10:28:34.0808): mods are in "C:\Games\Mod Organizer\mods"
INFO (10:28:34.0808): using mod "SKSE Test Bashed Patch"
INFO (10:28:34.0808): using mod "Perk Point Book - SKSE"
INFO (10:28:34.0808): using mod "SKSE Script files"
INFO (10:28:34.0808): using mod "Adult Slideshow in Loadscreens - NSFW"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "Cleaned Dragonborn ESM"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "Cleaned Hearthfires ESM"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "Cleaned Dawnguard ESM"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (10:28:34.0809): using mod "Cleaned Update ESM"
DEBUG (10:28:34.0811): indexing Cleaned Update ESM
DEBUG (10:28:34.0812): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsa
----------- LOG END -----------
DEBUG (10:28:35.0089): indexing Cleaned Dawnguard ESM
DEBUG (10:28:35.0090): reading BSA HearthFires.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:35.0132): indexing Cleaned Hearthfires ESM
DEBUG (10:28:35.0133): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:35.0556): indexing Cleaned Dragonborn ESM
DEBUG (10:28:35.0557): indexing Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
DEBUG (10:28:35.0558): reading BSA Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:35.0649): indexing Adult Slideshow in Loadscreens - NSFW
DEBUG (10:28:35.0650): reading BSA BrajornLoadingNSFW.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:35.0651): indexing SKSE Script files
DEBUG (10:28:35.0653): indexing Perk Point Book - SKSE
DEBUG (10:28:35.0653): reading BSA InigoPerkPointGiver.bsa
DEBUG (10:28:35.0654): indexing SKSE Test Bashed Patch
DEBUG (10:28:35.0655): indexing overwrite
DEBUG (10:28:35.0655): update vfs took 1 seconds
DEBUG (10:28:35.0655): data path: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aaj" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aak" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aal" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aam" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aan" maps to "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aao" maps to "BrajornLoadingNSFW.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): "aap" maps to "InigoPerkPointGiver.bsa"
INFO (10:28:35.0656): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap
INFO (10:28:35.0656): working directory: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim
DEBUG (10:28:35.0661): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 769045B0 (trampoline at 01F30000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0665): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 76904610 (trampoline at 01F40000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0669): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 76905AC0 (trampoline at 01F50000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0673): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 76905AE0 (trampoline at 04A50000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0677): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 76905AA0 (trampoline at 04A60000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0681): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 76905A80 (trampoline at 04A70000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0681): FindFirstFileExW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0685): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 76029290 (trampoline at 04A90000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0685): FindNextFileW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0689): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 76026090 (trampoline at 04AA0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0689): FindClose seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for FindClose installed at 7602BEA0 (trampoline at 04AB0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 76025A10 (trampoline at 04AC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 76039990 (trampoline at 04AD0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 7603D290 (trampoline at 04AE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for CreateFileW installed at 76027F20 (trampoline at 04AF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for CreateFileA installed at 7602B320 (trampoline at 04B00000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 760258A0 (trampoline at 04B10000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): DeleteFileW seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 76025BB0 (trampoline at 04B20000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): DeleteFileA seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 7603F340 (trampoline at 04D30000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for CloseHandle installed at 760286B0 (trampoline at 04D40000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 76013F20 (trampoline at 04D50000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0693): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 76015CE0 (trampoline at 04D60000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for MoveFileA installed at 7693E410 (trampoline at 04D70000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): MoveFileExA seems to be hooked already: unknown
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 7693E430 (trampoline at 04D80000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for MoveFileW installed at 7693E500 (trampoline at 04D90000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 76904370 (trampoline at 04DB0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 76938510 (trampoline at 04DC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 76938850 (trampoline at 04DD0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 76937D90 (trampoline at 04DE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 76937EF0 (trampoline at 04DF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 76937D30 (trampoline at 04E00000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 76937D60 (trampoline at 04E10000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 769386A0 (trampoline at 04E20000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 769389D0 (trampoline at 04E30000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0694): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 76938480 (trampoline at 04E40000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 76938780 (trampoline at 04E50000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 76938730 (trampoline at 04E60000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 76938A70 (trampoline at 04E70000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 76938650 (trampoline at 04E80000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 76938970 (trampoline at 04E90000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 76938070 (trampoline at 04EA0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 769381C0 (trampoline at 04EB0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for OpenFile installed at 7693D200 (trampoline at 04EC0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for CopyFileA installed at 7693CEB0 (trampoline at 04ED0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for CopyFileW installed at 7695F3B0 (trampoline at 04EE0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 769044D0 (trampoline at 04EF0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 769044F0 (trampoline at 04F00000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 7695EFA0 (trampoline at 04F10000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 76905070 (trampoline at 04F20000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 76905090 (trampoline at 04F30000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 74900A00 (trampoline at 04F40000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0695): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 74900A20 (trampoline at 04F50000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0696): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 04A21590 (trampoline at 04F60000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0696): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 04A21570 (trampoline at 04F70000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0696): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 77362060 (trampoline at 04F80000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0696): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 04A21530 (trampoline at 070B0000)
DEBUG (10:28:35.0696): all hooks installed
INFO (10:28:35.0696): injection done
DEBUG (10:28:35.0979): create process (w) C:\Games\Steam\steam.exe - "C:\Games\Steam\steam.exe" -applaunch 72850 (in C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim) - NOT hooking
DEBUG (10:28:36.0185): hooks removed
----------- LOG END -----------






selected_profile=SKSE test


3\title=Skyrim Launcher
5\title=TES 5 Edit
6\title=Wrye Bash
6\binary=C:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/Mopy/Wrye Bash.exe
7\binary=C:/Games/Mod Organizer/mods/Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
7\workingDirectory=C:/Games/Mod Organizer/mods/Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users
8\binary=C:/Games/Mod Organizer/mods/BodySlide and Outfit Studio/CalienteTools/BodySlide/BodySlide.exe

1\directory=C:/Games/Mod Organizer/mods/BodySlide and Outfit Studio/CalienteTools/BodySlide
3\directory=C:/Games/Mod files/Skyrim TESV









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