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Mod for Dark Brotherhood Courrier.


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Some hero should do so that you receive the Dark Brotherhood Letter from the courrier without it glitching the storyline, because it's been ages (1.5 months ) and I still didn't get the letter (I got it instantly on my first char though). I tried waiting, sleeping, going in and out, waiting, changing towns, sleep at inn, sleep at house, shout around to attract the courier. These things didn't work, so I started to try things such as setstage db02, setstage db02 10, setstage db02 20..30...40...200 (in a row), but it glitches and things don't happen as they are suppose to happen. I also tried player.additem code of the letter which I forgot the code now and it just stays in your inventory but doesn't initiate the kidnap thing. I even helped ciceros carriage bleh. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's having this problem cause I saw many people on google who couldn't get helpful answers, yeah.. LOL. Edited by FireFleurelle
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