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Level List Entry Limits?


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I wouldn't say I am new to modding, but I'm still learning. I like to edit the mods I've downloaded; typical the data with fo4edit. So I was trying to generate a "more ammo" mod for Weaponsmith Extended 2 & Modern Firearms. So as we all know there's a f*#@ ton of different type of ammo in these two mods. When I tried to input around 400++ entries of individual "unique ammo" level list into the LL_Loot_Ammo_unique level list. But it sort of didn't work out in CK and in fo4edit the LLCT- Count row just showed as 0 instead of 400+. So I thought there's a limit. so what I did was putting the ammo's level list into 3 different unique level lists (created by myself using fo4edit). then putting those three into the LL_Loot_ammo_unique level list. Thinking that it might work. It did work. But ever since, my game is experience CTD on any form of "save" and just saves. Until today when I run a full check on every single mod, I confirmed it's my "more ammo" mod that's causing the problem. So now I'm thinking what it's my editting that caused that problem because, I've used this "more ammo" mod before, with all the edittings, except the ones I mentioned above, and the mod worked fine with my game. First time asking for help in the community, so I don't quite know what info y'all might need. Just tell me in case y'all need any information! TQVM:)

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I can't answer your specific issue as I don't use Modern Firearms so I'm unfamiliar with whatever ammo types it adds but any level list work should be done in the Creation Kit. While such mod editing can be done in xEdit, it's far easier to do it in the CK as it has the handy dandy Preview function that will allow you to auto-generate hundreds of random runs on your leveled lists which should narrow down any issues with your lists very quickly.


Especially if you're experiencing crash issues, use the official tool that was designed for modding work as you may have done something in using xEdit that is non-standard and has in some way corrupted your esp. Use a known good backup and start over from scratch in the CK is my suggestion as however good xEdit is, it is still in the end an unofficial tool that is no substitute for the CK.

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