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NPC Dialogue = No conversation


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Hey guys


I have some really weird problem. I watched so many guides without success :sad:


I try to find out how can I make that the NPC walks to Point A like (Patrolidlemarker) and starts to talk in front of the Player.


I want that the Player only listen without conversation. Yesterday I worked over 12 hours to find that out. I really need your help... I know I have something to do with the Quest and Scenes but the guides on youtube showing me everytime with player dialogue and 2 NPCs conversation. But there is no guide for a single dialogue.


I hope you know what Im meaning. This can be really hard to get some answers because I couldnt find anything on the internet :S I have 10 Soundfiles for 10 phases.


It would be very great, so I can release my new mod on nexus :)

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Hey only one question. If I got this so I'll be done with the mod.


How can I teleport the player in another stage for example from Sanctuary to "DiamondCity" after the dialogue?


Or From Settlement to Institut teleport. How is this working?


Should I put something in the last Phase 12?



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Sorry for the late reply, I forgot to checked about it.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

If you want to teleport the player from where he is during the dialogue to another location, you should add a script.

create a new quest stage, then add your script, check this: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=MoveTo_-_ObjectReference

Then open the dialogue that will make your player move to the new location.

Check the button "end running scene" then at the bottom of the window in "scripts", select:

On end, set parent stage and here select your stage (with the moveto script).

I hope I make sens. :smile:

Edited by GePalladium
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