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Unable to get scripts to "save" and work for my mod


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Yes, that is how a mod like http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13544&searchtext=dragon+soul can upload to steam community. Download it and see if it works for you, they use scripts to do everything they have accomplished. http://creationkitadventures.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/how-to-package-a-bsa-archive-for-skyrim/ This should get you started on how to do it, I've got to get to bed so hopefully that will help you out.


A BSA btw is essentially a group of files that are grouped together so they are easy to install...sort of how you have the meshes.bsa in your data file.

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Well, the "how to create .bsa" was quite helpful, I still Im unable to get it to work on steam.


I am just going to use nexus, as I dont know what I am doing wrong with steam.



It works fine with NMM, so I will be posting shortly.

Edited by Preowned
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