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How do I get a pcs files to edit if only pex availalbe?


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I am trying to do the following:


TCG and Multiple Followers\


So I get that I can open a .pcs file in Notepad++ and also compile to pex but I cannot open a .pex files Notepad ++. How then do I go about editing a PEX file that comes with TCG when no PCS file is provided. The directions refer to a pcs file that belongs to TCG, but no pcs files come with TCG, only pex files.


This also be a tie in, but what is the purpose of the skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source directory? I don't understand that.

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PEX files are the compiled machine code file readable by the engine. You can not normally edit them, you need to edit the source file (PCS).

If the mod you want to edit doesn't have the source scripts, you need to ask the author for them and hope they are kind enough to let you have them.

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The skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source directory is where the source code for Bethesda's scripts reside (personally I created a skyrim\Data\Scripts\MyScripts directory alongside it so I don't lose my stuff amongst the thousands of Bethesda ones).
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Thanks for the replies. That clarifies things. Then I have to clear up what .pcs file that instruction is referring to.


I thought maybe the \Data\Scripts\Source directory might house sources for the .pex files currently in use by the game and I could get the pcs that way, but I see now that it is just all of Skyrim's script sources.


I get it now. The link I linked to, is in reference to TGS. Thus, the .pcs file he is referring to is the one belonging to multiple followers, which does exist. I was thinking about the wrong mod. Now to make the change and compile.

Edited by junkyard
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