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[Request/suggestion] Fire Arrows and basic elements


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Idk If I even placed this in the right thread, none the less I bluntly dont care. I just had a thought and was wondering If anyone could possibly and Charitably construct mods of the following nature

since It seems Skyrim doesn't come equipped with such things and I would think players would have fun.


Suggested mods ?!


- Fire, Ice, enchanted arrows : I know theres mods with arrows fused with spells but I was just wondering If someone could make a mod were you could idk just set arrows on fire and it could light enemies on fire causing periodic damage ?


- Mounted combat: kinda self explanatory


- Goblins: anyone up for making evil little green enemies to fight ? they could travel single and or in small pack or hordes that would be fun


- Spears, Halberds, Javelins ?! this would also require a new animation, but I think this would be pretty cool


- Werebear ? Kinda like the Bear transformation on Guild Wars ? become a bitchen nordic bear and rip peoples face off ?


- Display Equipment: Now In any RPG I've ALWAYS wanted this, Basically the idea of having a mod that shows Certain equipped Items just like this concept art piece http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9tSBez7i4wQ/Tmw7-C6dOZI/AAAAAAAAB2E/GsbUJ1H_03M/s1600/The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-fight.jpg Like your shield would be shown on your back you would have multiple displayed weapons and item, just adding to the authenticity of being a hero/adventure


- Horns: its not nordic unless you have a blow horn.. idk think creatively maybe they could cast a spell ? or summon a companion ? or enhance shouts


- Tattoos: I think cool tribal celtic tattoos would make a niffty addition dont you ?


- Druid Set, once again be creative :D


So There is my 8 cents If any of you consider doing any of these I OH HOPE SO! It would be amazing and if memebers have already achieved some of these, oh please post a link to the mod

thank you for your time :]

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