Havoc10K Posted June 27, 2012 Share Posted June 27, 2012 I actually had to double the size of New Vegas to make it appealing.Same for Skyrim in fact, although I think my Skyrim mods are 2 times more than vanilla. And that's just quality modding, items and everything else is around 2 gigs more ... Personally, i think if you have to mod a game as heavily as we do with most of Bethesda's games, i wonder what the game's worth actually is. Anyways, Final Fantasy Tactics await me.And many more PSX titles :) I play Daggerfall on my old laptop, runs on XP home, pretty much most of the games for PC that I go back to only run on that old laptop that I can cook eggs on, since it over heats so well, but whatever. XP runs nearly all games i'm interested in, everything else I emulate. If you want a good game for sheer fun, i can only recommend Warhammer Dawn of war 2 retribution Last Stand mode without the Tau commander, cuz that character is seriously overpowered. Also Space marine is fun for ripping apart all those orcs and black legion. That's all i can actually play form the "new" games czu everything else is so unentertaining. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodshot12 Posted June 27, 2012 Share Posted June 27, 2012 (edited) Diablo 3 may play similar to D2, and have areas from D1, but it's not a Diablo game. They spoon feed you story like a child rather then letting you figure out things on your own like D1/D2, and it's graphical style is a mash up of Diablo and WoW which creates an awkward clash of colors, and instead of making actual atmospheric dungeons, they just cover the screen with a 1-color filter to simulate the effect. And the writing is absolutely abysmal. Look at king leoric in Diablo 3, and look at him in Diablo 1. It's like they didn't even care. That video pretty much sums up the faults story-wise. Gameplay wise it has been streamlined to the point where customization is done completely through items, i.e. itemization - and considering you can't even join a specific server and trading is limited, is more geared towards using the AH rather then the actual game itself. I don't know about the new drop rates with the latest patch, but before the patch you could find just as rare items on a large boss as you could on a barrel. On topic, I want to see seasonal foliage implemented in the game. That is one feature i believe could add a HUGE amount of immersion to the game. One of my favorite things about daggerfall was visiting a dungeon for a while, I'd come back to the same town to find it snowing out and the ground, trees, and houses were covered in snow. Considering you really don't ever see this done in modern games, it stunned me despite me playing it after it became free. Edited June 27, 2012 by Bloodshot12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havoc10K Posted June 27, 2012 Share Posted June 27, 2012 On a side note, while were about Daggerfall dungeons. Revisiting them is awesome, exit a dungeon, and go back, and you can mash em up again :D That's how entertainment works :D Skyrim: Dungeon cleared, go back after say 10 days, no change, 30 days, no change, 2 years, bodies still there... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rennn Posted June 27, 2012 Author Share Posted June 27, 2012 (edited) At least there are mods to fix that long respawn time...Otherwise I would seriously just go back to Oblivion. Not being able to replay dungeons would practically break a game like Skyrim. Edited June 27, 2012 by Rennn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tg08096 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 Ok, just found this thread, gotta say a few things. Started with morrowind on the xbox. Luck did have an effect on random loot at one point in some version, just sayin. Playing Daggerfall after Oblivion was cool, but I just couldn't navigate those dungeons for some near - impossible to find random insignificant thing. Final Fantasy Tactics is the s***. Diablo 3 is a clone of a Diablo clone, and anyone who has ever watched anything scifi knows that a clone of a clone is a retard. Anyone who buys a retard expecting a genius is a mega retard. Oblivion was bigger than Skyrim? Thats messed up. If the nexus has 4.5 million members, and each member put up $1000, we would have 4.5 billion dollars, and then we could own a piece and call (some of) the shots. $1000 unrealistic? How much was that rig you're keysmackin on right now, hmm? Seriously though: Could you just scale down all actors and give them slower movement rates?While you're at it, you could leave dragons the same - then they'd be EPIC! This is genius. We already have 2k textures for everything, so scaling down the actors, buildings, equipables, roads, and trees should be feasible without looking like crap. But wait, who cares if it looks like crap? Daggerfall looks like crap and everyone's playing that. Same size world, smaller everything else. Can someone please tell me why this should not be done? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havoc10K Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 Downscaling takes time and effort and a single mistake can become a real annoyance for all players, I wouldn't bother with the mod size at all, my skyrim mods are twice the size of the skyrim, and I'm not using that many mods to make some items better. At this point I need mods that give me the following:Ika Musume outfitsHorizon Ariadust OutfitAdelle (Senjou Kyoukai No Horizon) Heavy Armor Suit (EPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX)Separate Armor Pieces (7 pieces of armor, or at best 8! armor pieces)-Head slot-Right Pauldron-Left Pauldron-Chest Piece-Legs Piece-Right hand-Left Hand-BootsMore Weapons50x times harder dragons (I mean, come on, takes me two swings with an axe to kill one) Although there are a few mods fixing that More armor materials (MYTHRIL !!!! Y U NOT IN THE GAME ????) Seriously, if you don't mod the game heavily, like 2 times the size of Skyrim, you can't say you actually enjoy the game, I mean, I've had enough of having to kill anyone with just 2 swings. This is teh reason I play old haves, I've had enough of playing graphically beautiful games, but without any content to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2588518 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 I'm running about 45 mods in my load order. The majority of them deals directly with crafting and putting back in materials and armor/weapon choices that were taken OUT. I would love to see Mithril again! I also miss the three or four different styles of armor for each material set. You got them in heavy plate AND CHAIN!!! Iron, Steel, Silver, Elven, Mithril, Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, Deadra. That isn't including the leather or the bazillions of cloth items.... Cloaks!? Had to get a mod for those... Extra bags? Like say... A backpack!? Mod for that... Bags and Bandoliers! Want NPCs to actually wear the armor they have equiped?? need a mod for that... NPCs wear helmets Want NPCs to actually USE the weapons they are good at using!? need a mod for that... Overhaul mod Want NPCs to take more then 10sec to hunt you while in stealth? need a mod for that... Stealth Reballance Want NPCs to make a bit of effort to kill you... instead of acting like retardo-bots? Hey.. advanced AI! mod for that... Duel Combat AI I can make armor! Weeee! Wait... I can't make arrows? Or salvage other items for their parts? Tons of mods for that... Hey! These perks are absolutely useless... Mods to change those. Hey! Where is this Civil war people keep telling me is taking place all over Skyrim? Yep... mod for that too... WARZONES!!! XD Why are my followers being retarded? Mod to fix their retarded behavior.. UFO - overhaul Magic is crap here! Mod to give me all the old morrowind/oblivion spells *still no spell maker mod* Alchemy needs some love too... so mod for that... Can't drop a lit torch? Oh, but you can with a mod. XD Books are crap and you can't learn things like you used to... so mod to improve that... I can only put 18 books on a single shelf!? Bwahahaha! Not anymore!!! Lockpicking way, way, way, way, too easy!? Not anymore! XD No carriages at some of the major holds!? Mod to fix that... (hated running from Winterhold to Windhelm just to grab a carriage...) And Skyrim is way, way, way too small to use fast travel... so I disabled it. XD Oh.. and Vampires suck in Skyrim (pun very much intended) No sun damage!? WTF! and those powers... Bah! More mods plz... And then there are all the visual mods that replace the horrid Xbox, massively outdated and seriously drab graphics... CLARALUX Dynavision ENB Realistic Lighting Creepy Dungeons (an absolute MUST HAVE!) 2K- HD textures + tons of other HD texture packs Project Parallax Oh, and SkyUI... because that Xbox UI is down right insulting. Now my Skyrim is playable. Thanks Nexus mod community. Love ya. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havoc10K Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 This actually states a question, if you need mods to make the game run as INTENDED, why did we even pay for the game in the first place ? I'm not gonna buy any new game ever again, EVER. until they start making games that are actually worth the money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tg08096 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 Alchemy needs some love too? Umm. . . Hello? Read my sig. Seriously, let me know what you think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2588518 Posted June 30, 2012 Share Posted June 30, 2012 (edited) Compelling so I'll give it a go. Thanks for the heads up. Now we need a few mods that put medium armor back in the game. Like.. you know... chainmail? Keeping with the theme of Daggerfall, I'd like to see a few different styles of each heavy armor type as well. Perhaps the look of plate steel made of Ebony? Or maybe even Dwarven? Elvish armor made in the style of Ebony armor? Glass was introduced in Morrowind. Not that I dislike glass... but perhaps we could have a set of glass that looks like the set from Morrowind? Or maybe its weapons? Different styles of Ebony and not just something that looks out of some Japanese Anime? (totally out of place in Skyrim) Aside from the Dungeons, (which I made a request in the mod forum about already.. and boy would I love to delve into a Daggerfall sized dungeon in Skyrim! XD) We need to bring back those old weapon types. Flails anyone? There is a mod called 'Weapons of the Third Age' that I highly recommend everyone download. It brings back a lot of the weapons from past games. Again, shitty single style for each material... I would personally love to see a greatsword in the style of the skyforged steel in Ebony or even Deadric! Oh, and speaking of deadra... Has anyone seen one in Skyrim? The Stendarr Cult walks the country side professing to hunt them... but I have seen hide nor hair of one. A few shrines, sure... Have I run across one after stealing something off said shrine ala Morrowind? nope. (excluding the main quests for the deadric princes... I mean your run-of-the-mill deadra?) Also, considering Daggerfall... We need to figure out a way to replace this Health/Magica/Stamina (consolitis run rampant... I swear..) and see if we can bring back a credible stat system required by any game to be considered an RPG... Have to be careful because this isn't the mod request forum and I don't want to get overly excited spewing out ideas in the wrong thread.... >.> Edited June 30, 2012 by TotalMeltdown Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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