Havoc10K Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 I shout my way around, I don't fast travel in skyrim as well. I couldn't understand why I have to wait a cooldown for my shout to reset, so I changed that, I mean, seriously, even the NPCs say it, if you can shout, you can shout anytime you want :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2588518 Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 If you're like me, and you think the shouting is an awesome idea but is seriously handicapped by the cooldowns.. (and lets face it.. they aren't THAT powerful that you can't use them more frequently. And no, they shouldn't be your primary method of damage but damn if they shouldn't be right up there with swinging your weapon.) you should do two things. One, reduce the global CD on shouting. player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0 Two, download this mod. <http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5626?sid=DyCAHyEAuHFzvxBHDFwFAzwEtstwvyzvyFHDtvC> I highly suggest you get a nice headset and mic for that. This will: -Make shouting intuitive and 'on demand' -Give you a LOT more depth with immersion -Make you learn each shout to use them -Add a level of fun you didn't think was possible with Skyrim (trust me, your first hour of play with this mod will convince you that this is how it was meant to be played) Right now I've rolled a Norde Barb (knuckle dragging, two-handed axe swinging, sneaking is for little girls, type of game play) It is a 180 from my normal play style of the sneaky thief. I'm trying to shun magic (because Nordes distrust magic) and let my followers supply the arcane artillery. (Even Conan had a wizard that followed him around) Current enjoyment factor with Thuu'Mic: Out-F*@!&ing-Rageous There is this overly satisfying feeling of seeing a pack of bandits, Wuld'ing into the middle of them, hissing TiiD, dropping a Su Grah Dun, laying some smackdown with my two-hander and then bellowing FUS RO DAH and watching the survivors fly across the landscape. Fighting dragons with the 50x harder dragons mod just makes those battles epic. You would think the zero cooldown and ability to shout at will would be over-powered or game breaking. Truth is, if you're playing on master and have some of the advanced AI mods plus the harder dragons... you're going to find that no amount of shouting isn't going to change anything except force you to think. You WILL be one shotted, you WILL be blown to pieces by mages and you WILL be eaten by dragons on a regular basis. But more on-topic... I would love to see Acrobatics and Climbing make its way back into the game. Unfortunately I don't see that happening. At least, not in Skyrim. It's too much FPS and not enough RPG. The environments would need a massive number of tweaks to allow climbing the surfaces. Animations would have to be created to simulate the effort and perhaps even a scripted set of movements so that it doesn't look like you're just climbing a ladder on the side of a mountain. Might work with walls though. But the ability to climb a wall and not a rock face isn't going to be received well. And it isn't like I've come across a wall in Skyrim that I was compelled to climb. (unlike Daggerfall where I could scale a city wall and hop some rooftops.) The only place begging to be climbed in Solitude. (would have made my DB quests a LOT easier) But then the phasing/instancing of the cities just removes the possibility anyways... Until they get that mod finished that puts all the cities in the worldspace like they did for Oblivion. (watching that one) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2588518 Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 I made a point of comparing Skyrim to Heretic. And here is why. <http://youtu.be/3TtafkMpqvY> Tell me if you think the gameplay isn't ironically similar... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ga-Knomboe Boy Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 Check out the Lord of the rings mod: MERP, they are making a landmass they propose to be 9 times the area of skyrim. I'm not involved with the project at all, I was just blown away by the scale. http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project/images/rohan#imageboxhttp://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/20/19696/PanoramaLabelled.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JanusForbeare Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 Check out the Lord of the rings mod: MERP, they are making a landmass they propose to be 9 times the area of skyrim. I'm not involved with the project at all, I was just blown away by the scale. http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project/images/rohan#imageboxhttp://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/20/19696/PanoramaLabelled.jpg Um... I don't remember the fourth name from the right being mentioned in the books or the movies. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted2588518 Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 Yet another example of the abilities of the mod community. Daggerfall would be impractical to recreate on a 1:1 ratio. But this LotR mod shows that the size of High Rock could at the very least be large enough to incorporate a good majority of the playable area. Considering the size of these world spaces I would have one world space for each province in High Rock. http://images.uesp.net/b/b1/DF-Map-Iliac_Bay.jpg That... would be a LOT of world Spaces... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havoc10K Posted July 2, 2012 Share Posted July 2, 2012 Ahhh good ol Heretic. BTW i only used Dragonrend and Whirlwind, if I used any other shout, it was probably because I needed to finish the fight quickly. Come to think of it, I whish there was a real Empower Shout and Healing Shout, Then Skyrim would be on the way of recreating Diablo 2 into a FPS game XD Anyways, enough of that, I just got my ass handed to me by a pack of werewolves.Adorably :)Left my silver Katana in the wagon lol :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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