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Better Scaling Equipment for NPC


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So i dont know if this mod exist, if it does i havent found it yet. Does anyone know if there is a mod out there that gives npcs scaling equipment? Im talking about better equipment and enchanted stuff for bandits, dragur and garuds and anyone else who wears armor or uses weapons. It makes sense, how come bandits not matter how badass the stuff is lying around them or they can get from vendors all they ever wear is the same crappy leather armor? Or how about town gaurds wearing the same lame padded leather even though there is a blacksmith RIGHT THERE who is selling stuff WAY better.

What id like to see.

- As you level, NPC armor and equipment improves along with your level.

- Said equipment can be enchanted (randomly or otherwise)

- Equipment will usually be enhanced to some degree ie... Legendary, superior etc...



But if anyone has heard of such a mod please respond to this with the name. K thnx

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