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Permanent "Cleared" Map Markers With Normal Respawn


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I would like to know for sure if I've cleared a dungeon even after it respawns. I know there are mods that can stop or delay respawning, but I'd rather not change respawning at all.


1. Simple version:

The "Cleared" text is annoying because you have to mouse over every icon to check. It would be better to make the black borders of the map icons of cleared dungeons a different color, like gold.


2. Awesome version:

Even better would be for uncleared dungeons to have the usual black borders on the map icons, cleared dungeons to have gold borders, and cleared before but now respawned dungeons to have another color, like red. This way you could tell at a glance which dungeons are unexplored, cleared, and respawned.


3. Optional:

I use the "Fully Colored Map Markers" mod and it sure would be nice if these two mods could play nice together. However, I would gladly give up "Fully Colored Map Markers" for this new mod if necessary.

Edited by Senzin
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