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wierd dream i just had


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so in the dream i had, i was around of winter-hold where i found a well, i had event where it said i was thirsty would i want to drink from the well, i tried and I fell in, turns out there was a very huge dungeon/ cave and suddenly the map stopped working i was quickly going down tunnel by tunnel avoid traps and monsters i recognized from elder scrolls 4, then I almost missed it, but i find a part of the cave that didn't have the aura of darkness the whole other part had, maybe it had something to do with the light source i never really looked at, but anyway it seemed that i would not be attack by monsters here for some reason, there were three things in this room, a weird silver chest with a weird symbol on it (that remind me of one the symbols of the dragon walls)that i couldn't open by normal means, on the other side there was a elder scrolls 4 kinda golden tomb in the wall with the same symbol, it seems when i go though it i find the elder scroll 4 version of a elven sword but the sword called "mysterious sword" i thought in might help with the chest or something else in the dungeon because after i had the sword i had access to my map again and from what i could tell i had only seen a small part of the huge dungeon/ cave meaning it was several times bigger than i originally thought, then i found someone hiding in the corner of the cave, a young high elf girl named Cain, i tried to figure out why she was here, but i woke up, and it made be sad that i could not complete the adventure, it also kinda tortured me, because I thought it was such a good adventure, that i am telling u guys at 252am in the morning...i was kinda hoping someone out there would do a mod on it, you can finish the adventure how ever you want but all i ask is that the last thing i wanted to do was save Cain from that place, but had a feeling she would betray me plus i think there was more to that cave, that i had not seen...


Picking the right forum to post your ideas is bliss. Also, paragraphs are your friend. Capitalization is your friend. These things give your post a modicum of chance that people will actually read it instead of desperately clicking on the "Back" button. :whistling:

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