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Question regarding BSA


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I tried to pack my mod's files into a BSA file. Then something strange happened: my mod doesn't use anything custom except the two scripts I wrote; everything else is vanilla. However, when the BSA file is being created, a whole bunch of meshes and textures files showed up in the archive. When you extract the BSA and look at these files, they are all just vanilla .nif and .dds files, but somehow they are now part of the BSA file.


Without these vanilla meshes and textures my mod has only a single .esp and two scripts, which comes in at 198kb. But with the BSA files containing these meshes and textures, the mod is around 30mb.


I have noticed that these files are related to the new statics I have made in CK, but the .nif files they refence are all vanilla ones. The mod works perfectly with only the .esp file.


Could someone explain why CK decided that these vanilla assets needed to be packed into the BSA?

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The ck looks at any assets referenced by records in your plug in then tries to add any loose files that would be needed when you archive. In your particular case you would need to remove the vanilla files that are not needed from the pack list. Alternatively you could manually pack the bsa.
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What should I do if I am trying to upload the file to bethesda.net, for PC and XBox users? The entire process seems to be automated and doesn't give me a chance to pack my own BSA.

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When you tell it to upload it asks if you want to make an archive and pops up the file selection window. Remove the files you don't want in there. Otherwise you can use the archive tool and make them manually placing them in the data or xb1 folder then when you try to upload it will ask if you want to use the existing archive and you can just say yes.

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