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Skyrim ENB CTD on 2560x1440 resolution


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Hey guys!

After a few weeks of playing heavily modded skyrim i decided to make a clean reinstall and start over with new mods.

Problem is,after I installed the game again with the enb the game would crash whenever i chose new game,load or continue.I uninstalled skyrim, installed it again and only installed the d3d9 and enbhost files.The game is running perfectly fine on lower resolutions,but my monitor is 2560x1440,which crashes the game.The game ran fine with the same version of enb prior to the first clean reinstall.

Here's what i tried so far:

-Install DirectX10

-Set ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to false

-Deleting Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini

-Increase ReservedMemorySizeMb and VideoMemorySizeMb to fit my system.

-Uptade my drivers

-Reinstall GeForce experience

None of these worked.

Also,I am not using the steam version.

My apologies if this is not clear enough, it's 1 AM and I'm tired as hell.I will try to clear up some explanations if necessary.


I solved the issue in the end.The solution was so simple it's emberassing.

All i had to do was download ENBSeries v0.262.

Still have no clue why the latest version just stopped working all of the sudden.

Edited by MoleRatTheXIIth
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