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Created Sane .nif, CK crashes when asked to use it.


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Solved! Thanks zilav

Disclaimer: I'm a nif noob and my perspective on whats sane is only based on the tutorials I followed and the trouble shooting steps I have taken so far.

I have created a new nif model for a planned settlement mod I want to make however after following tutorials the ck continues to crash when trying to load the nif.
Things checked so far.
1. textures are all Beths and so should be ^2 ?
2. all BSlightingPropertyShaders txt fields point to an appropriate BGSM (again all Beth generated)

3. Has a BSX block
4. Has a havok block (both bsx and havok blocks are directly from the warehouse slate floor nif)

5. All meshes are BStriShape s
Aaaand thats all I can think of off the top of my head that you might want to know in advance.

Find the file here:

Edited by Rorax
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You have a wrong Vertex Size value on BSTriShape, it must be equal to the bytes size of a vertex divided by 4.


If you can't compute that yourself, then just find vanilla mesh with the same vertex flags (they define what is inside of each vertex and hence determine it's size) and copy values from there.



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This shows my ignorance.
But couild I not just change that value to 5?

Also thank you so so so much for helping :smile:

I seem to have misunderstood you. I can just change that number :) And yes calculating a vertex's size is no issue for me so thank you so so much.

Edited by Rorax
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