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question about cell respawn mod to 48 hours


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hi everyone,


I am using a mod to reduce the time for respawning dungeons etc. after 48 hours instead of 720, dungeons are respawning like they should, and people in skyrim like bandits respawn as well, I put some arrows in the ground in helgen and went to whiterun to wait for 48 hours, and the arrows were still there, I don't want the world to get all messy with

the stuff I dropped or the multiple arrows I shot and missed, does anyone know how to 'clean' skyrim or why corpses go away but my arrows (and maybe other drops?) stay there?

thanks a lot!


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Some different issues here, it's an max limit on loose arrows in the world, the old ones are removed, it's also an limit on bodies, in the civil war attacks on Whiterun it goes over it and old bodies start to disappear.


Now items you drop from inventory are not removed, they will stay forever unless somebody pick them up.


Random containers are reset at respawn time and is the easiest way to test this, put some stuff who don't belong in it and see then it's goes away.

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