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CC Update & Broken Controller Support with F4SE


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My solution for the F4SE controller bug in Steam was to just uncheck all the boxes in Steam -> Settings -> Controller -> General Controller Settings.


That made it so that Steam wouldn't mess with my Xbox 360 wireless controller at all, and so far so good, it works.

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  • 1 month later...

i recently encountered a similar problem after updating F4SE and the game version. only my problem is that the left stick and activate button will zonk out after leaving the pip-boy. the activate key will work after a few tries but the stick won't work and i have to use the keypad to move around. everything goes back to normal if i restart the game *until* i enter the pip-boy screen 2-3 times.

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  • 2 months later...

Random Update:


Nothing has changed. Not really.


Whenever I start the game with F4SE my controller basically acts like a single push of a button is two pushes. I haven't tried delving into it further than that since my initial forays into this lovely experience, but by all appearances everything is the same. I had hoped this problem would more or less fix itself as things moved forward and got stabilized with the addition of the Creation Club which borked my game in the first place, but it is going on five months since I initially mentioned the problem and it remains the same.


What's worse is that I am now trying to work on a mod that, in order to make it do what I want, will absolutely require F4SE in order to work.


How the f*** do I make a mod that requires F4SE if I can't use F4SE in my own game? And honestly, the prospect of making such a mod when I cannot even use it, myself, is pretty f***ing shitty. Words fall short of properly expressing my frustration and anger at Bethesda for their little cash grab that has not only broken more than one game for me, but also f***ed up my ability to make mods for said games - at least in the way that I'd like to.


I'd love to hear something actually helpful if anyone else has had (and solved) this particular problem. Thank you.

Edited by Flowerguy360
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I'm really glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was going crazy!


Made sure that DS4Windows was not running (no longer needed honestly) in the background, and then launched FO4SE with the controller PLUGGED in via USB. Controller light color switches from my default color (blue) to red and all the controls begin to shift around. DPAD up acts as 'B', hitting 'Y' acts as 'Y' then pressing it again acts as 'A', etc.


I ran FO4 without the Script Extender and the controller is operating just fine.


I only have my controller plugged in because the battery was running low, I can play Fallout 4 through the script extender just fine when my controller is connected via Bluetooth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like you may still be starting the game from the F4SE executable it put on your desktop, which means you are still running it with F4SE. Try running the game from inside Steam instead of from your desktop and that SHOULD fix it. It works for me, any way (though, again, doing it this way means NO F4SE).

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  • 8 months later...

same issue here, why hasnt this been fixed yet? UPDATE.. following the above steps fixed the issue! i am running f4se with xbox one controller and it works. thanks! I did the following without using big picture mode. --> Steam -> Settings -> Controller -> General Controller Settings. Thanks again for the post

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  • 1 year later...
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