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Can someone help with a mod named Velendosval?


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Hi, everyone. I just found a mod on Nexus Mods called Velendosval. It is pretty old with only a few comments going back to 2006, 2008, and 2010. I posted a comment, but it probably won't be seen. I also searched the internet but couldn't find any posts about this mod.


I don't really know how to check for conflicts or how to fix things in the CS.


The mod seems pretty cool and added stuff to Seyda Neen so it is easy to verify if it is working. I saw two immediate issues.


#1 The first time I tried to use the mod, it adds a Wizard's Council building on the north end of Seyda Neen near the bridge. The building didn't have a door. When I removed the other mods I was testing (none that change that same area) and restarted the game, the full building appeared with the door. So the first time the door was covered by land.


#2 Both times I started games I noticed that the mod adds a new house next to Fargoth's. The first time there was a small problem with the entrance, which was fixed the second time I tried it. It has a new NPC in there. However, Fargoth's house was changed to be a generic house (not owned). There is a door animation, but only a solid wall behind the door. You can see the door open and close, but there isn't any access.


Now, the mod seems like it adds some cool stuff like early starting spells, quests, and a town past the lighthouse. I don't mind dealing with an inaccessible house and losing Fargoth's house since I don't recall doing anything with his house anyway. However, I am concerned that there might be some other underlying problem that I haven't discovered yet.


This mod also conflicts with the Seyda Neen BB Market (which is beside Fargoth's house so if I am choosing this mod over that one, I would like to make sure it works.


Does anyone know how to check the mod to see if there is an obvious problem with the location of the new buildings in Seyda Neen (beside Fargoth's house and right over the bridge) and why there might be changes to Fargoth's house?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I'm not an expert and I didn't use TESPCD before but it's straight forward. This is the advice I got from Dragon32 to check out my problem..

This might also be a first step for you in "fixing" this mod:


You could try running TESPCD, setting up a Single vs All check, with e.g. "Velendosval.esp" as the Single and your other loaded plugins as the All.


Also this video (lenghty) series abot the Construction Set helped me a lot in learing about the CS: htt**://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCSru2-_Ar8 (morrowind modding Showcases - Let's mod)


Final tip: if something is blocking your doorway or you just want an object removed in your game: open the console (in-game), click the object and type in the console:


setdelete 1

(hit enter)

A save and reload of your game might be required.

Edited by MazDraguul
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Thank you so much for your reply! I am researching the TESPCD now. I will give it a try. Thanks for the video link too. I want to learn more about modding because I would eventually like to make my own mods. Unfortunately, my time is very limited so I have been putting that off and only pick things up piece meal.


Thanks again!

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