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Site Navigation / searches end up "no results"?


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POST RETRACTED BC I accidentally found the answer and I don't know how to delete my own post. sry for wasting everyone's time :tongue:


EDIT: how do I delete this post? I accidentally found the "hide adult content" option was turned on in my profile settings while I was looking to edit my avatar! if I cant delete my own post, please someone delete it for me. id hate to waste someone's time or forum space :D

Edited by pakachakawaka
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first of all , not sure where you've tried searching , but for me , the search function works just fine

It's clear you are rather new here (as you've mentioned) , so get to know the forums and sites a bit better , and your experience here will greatly improve


as for the mod you wanted , you can find it here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?

you just need the main file , and choose the Curvy option in the installer , when installing the mod


when searching for such mods , it's quite easy to find them in the appropriate category (in this case , Models and Textures) , and especially when dealing with really popular mods , sorting by most endorsed will give you the desired results rather easily

for this specific mod you could have also gone to the Top 100 page , but that's a bit more limited


all in all , just try browsing the site , and learn where to find whatever you work

searching should work just fine , but it won't always be easy to find the desired result even if you search correctly

hope this helps , and you are more then welcome to ask anything , if you have further questions :)

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