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Rain drops and Snowflakes on Player Camera


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The other day I installed Superl3's fantastic ENB mod and I realized, while frolicking around Froki's shack during a beautiful snowtstorm, how much more immersive it'd feel to have snowflakes land on the player camera/screen either when you looked up or while walking/running (and then melted away or faded). The same applies to rain drops in a rainstorm...except it'd also hapen inside certain buildings :wallbash: but regardless, it'd look fantastic and absolutely be a must have mod for the type of people who enjoy increased interaction with the game world. Anyway, I don't know $%#^ about how to mod this in and I wonder if the effect could be borrowed from another game since quite a few utilize it. Shoot, it could be utterly impossible for all I know but I hope someone gives it a try!


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