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Helmet losing it's armour type


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Hi, lately, I've been encountering a problem with my helmets losing it's armour type. I can't be sure but I think opening the inventory is what sometimes causes it.


The mods I use are..


SIlverfish Grotto, Immersive horses, FINIS 6.3, pretty magic casting animations, PCA 1hm overhaul, PCA, pretty female idles, pretty jump animations, XP32 and XP32 extended, Ashara princes of the woodsarmour, camo retex of Ashara Princess of the woods for UNP, Demon hunter armour, Eldrids armour mashup, Hedge mage armour, helmet toggle, katarina armour, northgirl armour, shanoa armour, tribunal robes, thalmor attire, mounted followers, serana renewal, al geared up, realistic ragdolls and force, run for your lives, when vampires attack, apachiiskyhair with both the female hair addon and the NPC overhaul, enhanced char edit, envision face, dual sheathe redux, lanterns of skyrim, no more glowing edges, skyrim enchanced camera, wearable lanterns, insignificant object remover, smart cast, lost grimoire of skyrim, fair skin complexion, moonlight tales for skyrim, ordinator - perks of skyrim, sacrosanct, showrancemenu precache killer, unofficial high res patch, unofficial skyrim legendary ed patch, isilmeriel LOTR weapons, staff casting, no more radial blur, skyUI, racemenu, enchanced character edit with more body slidersand finally UNP.




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