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Construction Kit Forums and FAQs


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TL;DR: Where are the CK information pages that the modders here like best? The ones I've found so far don't go into the kind of detail I was hoping for.



The long, verbose version:


I'm trying to build a follower using bits out of another mod-- I know, I have *no* intention of uploading it here or anywhere else. However, blundering my way through the CK I realize I don't know what half of this stuff is, and there's not a lot of information *IN* the CK to help me figure it out. I'm looking in the http://www.creationkit.com wiki but while it's not directly unhelpful, it's not going into the detail I'm looking for.


Example: If, when creating a follower, I choose to go to Object Window-->Actor-->Stats tab, and tic the 'PC Level Mult' box, does that mean my follower will level with my character, or that it will choose a level based on my character and stay there (the way the vanilla followers do, so I'm told)?


Another Example: On the Traits tab, I have many choices under the Voice Type pulldown menu. Which ones can I use for a follower, and which ones will not work? What if, in a moment of frivolity, I decide my follower needs to talk like a cow; will they have the recruit choices available?


The obvious answers to both of these is "try it and find out", but given the amount of time between clicking this or that, saving, shutting down, loading Skyrim, testing, shutting down, starting CK again, and tweaking what needs working on, (as much as ten minutes per cycle on a bad day) I'd just as soon read something that gave me better ideas about what to try and what not to bother with.


I don't expect the moon or to find the "Make It Done" button or anything, I'm just looking for what the little bits mean.

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You would do best to only use voice types used by existing followers. Like for instance, Lydia used FemaleEvenToned. So you could make a female of any race that uses that voice and probably have it work pretty good. But if you use the wrong voice type, you could get missing dialog, or an actor who uses two different voices at different times. (Unless you want to voice act all of the possible lines.)
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