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Concept artist required


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As our project "Legend of Winterhold" continues to develop we need more meshes for it. We search for a concept artist who would help us with creating those meshes. I don't search for talents but I need someone with open mind and creative thinking. If you are interested in helping our project or doing your favorite work you are welcome to PM me for details. You don't need to join our team BTW . I'll be glad to recive any reply as people somewhy tend to ignore my threads :( .


More details on the mod can be found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/507588-wip-the-legend-of-winterhold/

Edited by Iv121
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Dont get discouraged. I would help if I was any use but art isnt my thing. Maybe more specific on what type of meshes you need. Statics, weapons, armour? Hope you find someone generous enough to help. Nothing worse than a project getting held up due to a few details like meshes and textures.
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Sounds interesting.

Also had a quick peek at your mod, which seems promising!

But i'm afraid i can't offer you any services as i'm already part of a large total conversion, a weapons resource and suffer from a massive lack of time, which is keeping me from doing anything really serious :(

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  • 3 months later...
I'd advise you to try posting on indie artist websites (DeviantArt might be a place to start - while it tends to cater to the teenage crowd, there are some talented individuals on that site). You'll probably get more responses, and have a bigger talent pool to choose from. Not to mention that you'll be able to easily review their past work.
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I'm absolutely new here, but I saw that you looked for an artist and I thought I might be able to help you :) As I love to draw and look forward to be a concept artist one day, I would love to help you - if you wish so ^^ I should also add I haven't really created any textures yet but I would be really glad if you gave me a try. I just wanted to say that because I would be ashamed if you would be disappointed with me (I draw longer than I know how to write and I have experience with digital art as well). Also I'm very sorry for my bad english, I'm from Austria xD



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