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Changing NPC face not sticking

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Long story short, I made a mod that edits Cait's appearance via Unique Followers. It worked fine when myself and a couple friends tested it but some users are now reporting that the custom skin is showing up but the face remains the same as vanilla. I had previously tested it with a clean save and only my prerequisite mods loaded with no problems, but decided to test again just to be sure. Lo and behold, I'm getting the same bug with the vanilla face. After a lot more tweaking and testing, I narrowed the problem down to Unique Followers (both the original and the new Redux versions). If I load up my mod with just Azar's hairstyles and my face edits, the face changes appropriately. Once I add Unique Followers as a master again, it all goes out the window and reverts to vanilla face with custom skin. I just don't understand why.


Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Huge thanks in advance if you can help or even just point me in the right direction.


Edit: It was using the wrong form IDs for the skin record. Was pretty sure I had already changed them but hey ho, it works now.

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