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more high caliber automatron arm guns


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i like bots and and i like heavy weps, sadly however the automatron DLC fails to combine these 2 in a way thats safe for a battle (missile launchers tend to kill you or the bot if the bot fires on a close target) i was thinking that if my char is smart enough to make a .50 "hunting" rifle then i should be able to make a .50 HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) and weld/duct tape/super glue it to a sentry bot's arms


alternatively if i go the demo expert path i should be able to figure out how to weld a 30MM cannon to the bot's arms ( possibley use 2 types, one HE and one kenetic) how hard can it be to scale up a missile launcher and make a shell that fits?


also for demo experts why not try to find some 40mm AA wep in a museum somewhere and copy it for a sentry bot? (flak and kenetic types as well couse i might want to be able to find parts larger then a finger lol)


lastly, no gun pack can hope to call its self good unless it has seeds for a mutant strain of tatos and blueprints for a tato cannon (why am i sticking a tato cannon on a sentry you ask? couse its fun, i got the scrap and i need to be able to kill a super mutant or deathclaw with food)


im not asking for super high quality stuff or super complex stuff, all it needs is to look more or less like the real counterpart guns (accounting for 200 year's of rust of course) and be believable when it fires


i picked the sentry bot couse its the only bot that can use these weps and not become a wall fixture when it fires (also to make it easy to make the mod)

Edited by ModUser66
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