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How do I check if a Minutemen Radiant Quest is active in a settlement?

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I've been working on a mod to trigger and improve settlement attacks.

I've done a holotape that lists available settlement (owned) and you can trigger attacks through it.

The problem is, I can't trigger attacks in all settlements. After much testing, I'm pretty sure that you can't trigger an attack on a settlement that is already involved in another quest (like another settlement attack or a Minutemen Radiant Quest). But I still haven't found the script that rules this behavior.

Does anyone knows why this happens? Is there a flag for settlements involved with quests? In which script?


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hehe, I did similar, but without scripts quests and triggers, just very heavy n' frequent attacks on settlements


if u want dynamic trigger for this, u can try to make permanent magic effect with 'script' output - "IdOfWorkshopAttackQuest.setstage(Number-Of-It's-First-Stage-Here)"

then add this effect to spell, and add there condition 'if-to-choose-this-settlement-Id-in-holotape = 1, run on player"

and add this spell to player

So, - this way u'l create own-node trigger, that will start to work when ur character appear in game, and when u'l choose name of settlement on holo - it will launch the magic effect with script )


pretty funny trigger :)

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Thanks for the reply.


The actual triggering is ok. I solved it. I just used

WorkshopParent.TriggerAttack(settlement, attackStrength)

The SetStage command doesn't work in this case (the settlement attack quests are script event enabled quests from the story manager, they have to run through it), but you could just use the trigger above. (Tested)


But I found your idea intriguing. I'm a new modder and did't mod skyrim at all, so I didn't know spells would work on FO4. Well, my friend, If they do, you gave me some ideas on how to solve some other problems I'm having.


Now back to my original question


I can choose the settlement in the holotape list and most of the times, it does trigger the attacks.

There are a few times that it doesn't trigger such attacks, and after a lot of testing I found out that settlements that are currently under attack can't be triggered a second time, and also, settlements involved with minutemen radiant quests can't be triggered.

Because I'm working with a dynamic list terminal for the holotape, I just check which settlement attack quests are active (my mod is about those quests, so I track them) and remove the linked workshops from the list. Then you can't choose those settlements on the holotape to trigger an attack. This is working and tested and retested with debug.

The problem now are the settlements that are involved with the minutemen radiant quests, there is a really large number of Minutemen Quests and I don't want to track each individual minutemen radiant quest just to eliminate the linked settlements from my holotape list. That's why I want to know if there is an easy way to know if a settlement is involved in the minutemen quests. Probably there is a way, because the actual vanilla game prevents you from having two minutemen quests on the same settlement (I've never experienced two simultaneous minutemen quest on the same settlement).

I just want to know how the game checks for that. It's in which quest? Which Script? Is there a bool flag?

Edited by marcelocastro
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as i know workshop quests and attacks have common quest-node (there hardcode, that have it's own conditions., for example Settler gave u quest, then starting to work time counter for all the workshop quests\attacks - this way u can't get any new workshop quest until this counter running., same reason workshop attack can not be started)

Same thing with encounters - u'l never meet 2 encounters quests same time, because game engine running only one encounter quest and timer for any encounters..


So, if directly - u will never get started 2 quests from 1 node.

to avoid this node u need to change trigger that will launch first stage of vanilla attacking quest (make a simple switcher 'attackquest.setstage(123..)' ), i don't know, try paste it somewhere inside npc dialogue scene (there will be special window for script)


weird, i don't have ck under my hand to check it.

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Ok. Now we're getting somewhere...

The thing is... I think you can actually trigger 2 quests from the same node and have them run together. I can trigger 2 settlement attacks (different quests) at the same time, on different settlements (Tested), I just can't trigger both those quests on the same settlement (Tested multiple times). I need to check if the quests they trigger are in the same node, probably yes (Need to check if quests from DLC nodes were triggered instead of the main node).

The same thing was happening with settlements involved with the minutemen quests (and the minutemen radiant quests are on another branch of the story manager).

The targets of such quests (and I mean the settlement locations where they point to) must be different.

And I don't know why... It's driving me nuts. Something is ruling these restrictions, but what?

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... you can't trigger an attack on a settlement that is already involved in another quest ... But I still haven't found the script that rules this behavior. ...

Enable Story Manager loging in Fallout4Prefs.ini





In the logs you will see something like:


[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] Started processing event 00009BB0: Script Event - Keyword: WorkshopEventAttack,Location: ,Ref 1: ,Ref 2: nullptr,Value 1: 62,Value 2: 0

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] -Node 'Script Event' passed


[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] --Node '' passed

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' failed conditions


[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' passed

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack02' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack03' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'DLC03WorkshopTrapperAttack01' failed conditions

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopGunnerAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'DLC01WorkshopBotRaiderAttack02' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopDeathclawAttack02' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopMirelurkAttack_SI' failed conditions

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'DLC01WorkshopBotRaiderAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopGunnerAttack02' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSynthInfiltrator01' failed conditions

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSynthInfiltrator02' failed conditions

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopDeathclawAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' is flagged as do all before repeating and is resetting after failing to pick a quest.

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' passed

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSuperMutantAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRadscorpionAttack01' failed to fill aliases

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' failed conditions

[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] ---Node '' failed conditions


[09/11/2017 - 02:08:42AM] Finished process event.



Answer to "that rules this behavior" is "failed to fill aliases".

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OMG. This is great.

Thank you so much.


Ok, quest isn't triggering because is failing to fill an alias.


It's probably the workshop alias. Is there any way to check?


Now, why is it failing to fill the aliases? Is it a game engine limitation?


It looks like the easiest solution is to let the settlements with minutemen active quests in the list, and pop up a message if the attack fails.

Tracking dozens of minutemen quests don't seem like a good idea.


[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ---Node '' passed
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopMirelurkAttack_SI' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'DLC01WorkshopBotRaiderAttack02' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopDeathclawAttack01' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack02' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'DLC01WorkshopBotRaiderAttack01' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSynthInfiltrator01' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack03' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSuperMutantAttack02' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopSynthInfiltrator02' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopGunnerAttack02' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'DLC03WorkshopTrapperAttack01' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRadscorpionAttack01' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopRaiderAttack01' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopYaoGuaiAttack01' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopGunnerAttack01' failed to fill aliases
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ----Quest 'WorkshopDeathclawAttack02' failed conditions
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ---Node '' is flagged as do all before repeating and is resetting after failing to pick a quest.
[09/11/2017 - 09:28:18AM] ---Node '' passed
Edited by marcelocastro
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Ok. Just some more feedback.


Did some testing and I think there's something in the story manager that blocks quests from triggering on settlements that already have quests on them. Any quests...

I did a simple quest with just two aliases and directed them to the location and the workshopref of a settlement, and I could't trigger settlement attacks on this settlement.

Then I first triggered and attack on a settlement, and then activated my quest on the same settlement, without the story manage, and it did work. So you can have two quests on the same settlement, just can't trigger two quests on the same settlement through the story manager.

Can anyone else confirm this?



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