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Morrowind Style Dialogue Menu in Skyrim


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Hello. I am working on a large world mod for my own purposes. I plan on having a lot of npcs, however I have no intention of getting voice actors to voice them (it would be too much).


So I was thinking that a mod that changes the dialogue interface of Skyrim to be more like Morrowind so that I could show all dialogue that the npcs have said over the course of the conversation, and allow the player to scroll through the options.


I tries myself to open and edit the swf files for the dialogue menu, but I have no knowledge of flash, xml, or the skse scripting to get it all to work. I was hoping someone, if not be able to do it, help me out. But, I think for me its pretty hopeless trying to figure this stuff out. I only have little programming experience.


This was what I was planning on it look like, at least in my head:






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