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Zekic sees El Rhun, or that part of it near enough to be visible from where he stands. Some way ahead a huge tower glows with the colour of gold. It is surrounded by hundreds of smaller buildings many pulsating with different tones. It is too far to establish details but the city is the wierdest he has ever seen.


Telador confounds matters by saying: "Oh, that's only the school of Light."


Indeed as you look left and right of the tower you can make out other glowing buildings. Unfortunately the glare from the tower of Light is almost blinding.


Telador moves away from you telling you what he is doing is dangerous and will take a little time.


There is a 'tear' tower a little to your left. The door is closed. The rest of the wall, as far as you can tell is, not patrolled. Immediately below you on the inside of the wall is a building painted flourescent pink and orange.

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"I have no idea friend. I guess we just travel east and then I'll try and communicate again... I know it doesn't sound like much of a plan...but it's all I've got" Sammi says as he looks downcast to the ground.


"But damnit, am I pleased you're coming," smiles Sammi to Kyrykki.

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The building has no windows but it does have a golden door. I says 'hall of advanced paleochromatic spectrolosis' on the door. Below is pinned a note 'if no one answers, the key is under the mat'.


The 'mat' is a swirl of moving colour.


OOC> Sammi and Kyrykki, how are you travelling, on foot or using the power of air?

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Hmm... Where's a wizardmaster of light when you need one? Zekic things to himself. He hesitates a while, but decides not to enter the building. Nothing to do there while it's dark...

Zekic rises up to the nearby 'tear' tower and tries if the door is unlocked.

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The door opens to reveal an empty room. Stairs lead up and down. You had seen no evidence that there was anyone patrolling the walls so the chances are the whole thing is empty.


You are somewhat started by a sudden display of coloured lights emanating from an upper room in the tall Tower.


Telador can be seen coming towards you. "I have found one mind apparently free. He was very suspicious of me. I have not mentioned you. He is an apprentice of the tower of the Mind hiding out in empty rooms in the Tower of Time. I am going to find him. Since the archives you want are in the Time complex I suggest you join me at least as far as the grounds. Then you can meet the apprentice or investigate the archives as you wish. We will follow the walls. It seems no one has thought of defence here yet."


He hesitates. "You can explore alone if you prefer but be careful around the Tower of Light they are speciallists in the creation of illusions."

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