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As Sammi and Kyrykki set off at speed you notice two things. Firstly you cannot take in the landscape below them. More importantly you will not be able to spot whatever it was that caught Zekic (if he was caught).


Slowing down to a steady but moving speed you then realise you are very visible to anyone on the ground. Indeed as you think this three horsemen appear as if by magic.


They are about to throw something at you. You cannot see what.

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As it hurtles through the air close by, it appears to explode, or at least release some type of gas. Sammi looks to Kyrykki to see how he fares, but closes his eyes when the gas goes up his nostrils and the acrid, but bearable pain goes throug his head.
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OOC>you have no idea what they threw at you.


Sammi's imagination was working overtime. He was clearly afraid these horsemen would try to drug them. He needed to get a defence into position at once!

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Zekic considers Telador's words for a while, then reasons. "I will come with you to the Tower of Time. It is true that my goal lies there, and I would also like to meet this man you speak of. Let us go together, but I would first like to check the upper floor of this tower. There's something strange there. Why don't you stay here while I investigte it. I won't be gone long."


With that he starts climbing the stairs up.

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Telador waits at the bottom while you go up.


The upper floor is empty. However you notice a strange device attached to the wall. It resembles a circular golden disc and it emits a low hum. At the centre is a button.

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"No Idea" Shouts back Sammi..


Panic starts to take over Sammi, but then he realises the obvious. Using his powers obtained when he was a Windrunner, Sammi diverts the particles of air surrounding the front of the hurtling object, and moving enough of them in front of the projectile, they seem to slow it enough, to a dead stop.


Sammi looks to Kyrykki, silently mouthing his confusion.


"I think we're in a hint of trouble"

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