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Editting projectile nifs


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Hi, I need some help with a projectile, I'm clueless when it comes to blender and not that much better with nifskope.

I've tried importing a nif into blender but it's all Greek to me. Are there any guides specifically for fallout 4/projectiles/blender? I'm sure where to even go from here.

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I'm just trying to change a colour of all things (well mainly). But it's not the emmersive color option, it's not the grayscale texture DDS and i've tried changing the vertices colours too none of it works.

And projectiles don't really show much in CK preview (nor in nifskope).


It's meshes\effects\IncendiaryTracerBeam.nif (fallout 4)

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kk, to find and change color of some mesh u can load it in 'outfit studio' r-click/properties/textures

for example IncendiaryTracerBeam.nif using textures\Effects\GlowSpotLinear.dds and some gradient .dds., so if u'l play with it's colors is some Photoshop i think it will give result

also, if u want to make some part of .nif invisible - u can use Nifscope, just scale this part to 0.0000

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don't change links inside .nif

just go fallout4\data\textures\effects and throw 'GlowSpotLinear.dds' there.

also do same with 'gradient.dds - look it's path, take file and throw there.

check ur fallout4.ini 'sResourceDataDirsFinal=' line have 'textures\,'

open .dds with photoshop and change picture color as you wish.

save file as .dds, choose dxt3 or dxt5 conversion because of alpha support) and check 'generate mipmaps'

then check it inside the game )

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also, if u want to make some part of .nif invisible - u can use Nifscope, just scale this part to 0.0000

No. Better to select the BSTriShape in Nifskope, and under the part's FLAGS in the BLOCK DETAILS window, change the flag from 14 to 15, which makes the part hidden. Or even press CTRL+DEL to delete that node branch completely.

Edited by steve40
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