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settlement mods


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well obvious question though: is F4SE up to date (last version 0.5.0 - assuming you have downloaded fallout 4 update and more important, is Transfer Settlements up to date. The F4SE mods needs to be updated and ajusted to the last F4SE Launcher to work properly.


but to your request. you are asking about built up settlements (like player homes) with several buildings and furniture, lighting, etc. to be downloadable without need of transfer settlements or any other framework mod?


well there are a few under locations vanilla and player settlements category. but i admit. not much. most modders concentrate on either cleaning up the vanilla settlement or expanding the area. leaving the creation to you.


the blueprints are from other players (not necessarily modders) sharing their creation with others.

Edited by maverikch
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at loading screen it gives me this F4SE not loaded.transfer settlement features are disable then the screen freezes up!

You start the game through NMM?If not there is your problem.Imstall F4Se and start the game with it through NMM.

Upeer left corner of NMM you choose how to start the game.

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