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Skyrim .bsa Unpacking (Mac)


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Necropost of Doom, but who cares if it works :P


I have just found a working solution for Linux, and since it's Python, and MacOS is UNIX like Linux, it should work on it natively, too.


What to do? First, you'll need Python 3 on your system. Then, you can install the following library:


$sudo pip install bethesda-structs (or download it fŕom the web)


With that, you can extract BSA's up to Skyrim Special Edition. I have created the following script to extract BSA files:


#import lib

from bethesda_structs.archive.bsa import BSAArchive


#path to your bsa file
name = input("Archive Path :> "

#where to extract the file
path = input("Extract to :> "

archive = BSAArchive.parse_file(name)


Hope I could help. Python to the rescue!

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